In the middle of the desert you can say anything you want

28 Jun 2023

Saving plots matplotlib seaborn

When saving seaborn images there was weirdness going on, with borders either cutting labels or benig too big.


# bad: cut corners
# good: no cut corners and OK bounding box
ax.figure.savefig("inat_pnet_lorenz.png", bbox_inches="tight")

Picture quality issues

EDIT 2023-12-14

Paper reviewer suggested exporting in PDF, which led me to graphics - Good quality images in pdflatex - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange:

Both gnuplot and matplotlib can export to vector graphics; file formats for vector graphics are e.g. eps or pdf or svg (there are many more). As you are using pdfLaTeX, you should choose pdf as output format, because it will be easy to include in your document using the graphicx package and the \includegraphics{} command.

Awesome! So I can save to PDF and then include using the usual code (edit - eps works as well). Wow!

Nel mezzo del deserto posso dire tutto quello che voglio.