In the middle of the desert you can say anything you want

07 Dec 2023

requests and urllib333 exceptions adventures

If I’m looking at this, the tenacity library post for retrying may be relevant as well (todo link).

So, TIL:

  • urllib3’s ConnectionError is now called ProtocolError, but aliased for backward compatibility
  • requests has also a ConnectionError! A totally different one I think
from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError, HTTPError
from urllib3.exceptions import ProtocolError, NameResolutionError, MaxRetryError
  • urllib3
    • ProtocolError
      • RemoteDisconnected
    • NameResolutionError - usually temporary
    • MaxRetryError
  • requests:
    • ConnectionError - catchall for all of the above?
    • HTTPError - 404 and friends

requests exceptions docs: Developer Interface — Requests 2.31.0 documentation urllib3 exceptions: Exceptions and Warnings - urllib3 2.1.0 documentation

TODO: Interaction between MaxRetryError <-> other urllib3 errors - who raises whom, and what does requests do with it (I think raising a ConnectionError but am not sure)

Nel mezzo del deserto posso dire tutto quello che voglio.