Masterarbeit toread stack
Also: 231002-2311 Meta about writing a Masterarbeit
Relevant papers in Zotero will have a ’toread’ tag.
When can we trust model evaluations? — LessWrong
How truthful is GPT-3? A benchmark for language models — LessWrong
- paper: [2109.07958] TruthfulQA: Measuring How Models Mimic Human Falsehoods
- especially the bits about constructing and validating!
- sylinrl/TruthfulQA: TruthfulQA: Measuring How Models Imitate Human Falsehoods
- paper: [2109.07958] TruthfulQA: Measuring How Models Mimic Human Falsehoods
- spacy:
- the entire site: Finding linguistic patterns using spaCy
- spacy:
lists: AI Evaluations - LessWrong
Datasets - The Best Ukrainian Language Datasets of 2022 | Twine some aren’t ones I addedj
Victoria Amelina: Ukraine and the meaning of home | Ukraine | The Guardian
Ukrainian and Russian: Two Separate Languages and Peoples – Ukrainian Institute of America
Bender and friensd:
- Unsupervised Cross-lingual Representation Learning & Unsupervised Cross-lingual Learning - Google Slides
- The cool state and fate paper1 , especially the last bits about language typology.
Python stuff
“Питон для продвинутой группы лингвистов, 2020-2021” (lecture): klyshinsky/AdvancedPyhon_2020_21
I should read through everything here: A quick tour
- HF, LLM etc. Hamel’s Blog - Dataset Basics
<_(@inclusion) “The state and fate of linguistic diversity and inclusion in the NLP world” (2020) / Pratik Joshi, Sebastin Santy, Amar Budhiraja, Kalika Bali, Monojit Choudhury: z / / _> ↩︎