Latex margin notes
Margin notes - Overleaf, Online-LaTeX-Editor:
is the vanilla option, but this works in all cases ever:
EXCEPT I couldn’t find a way to add footnote markers to have numbered margin notes separate from the real footnotes.
But this solves everything, quoting directly1:
\renewcommand\themgncount{\arabic{mgncount} }
Can we put a footnote with number in the margin and a number in the text?\marginfootnote{There's a number here!}
Another test\marginfootnote{Working!}
One more try\marginfootnote{Successful!}
EDIT: actually it doesn’t and uses the number from footnotes in the text itself. :(
Ah, the sidenotes
package exists:
But uses only 1…3-type numbers.
Yes this is it! CTAN: Paket sidenotesplus
\sidenote{does basically what footnote does}
It has a lot of options and can do a lot of things, yes, this is it, it’s perfect. The example page has everything:
See also CTAN: Marginal topic.
marginpar - Footnote and number in margin - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange