In the middle of the desert you can say anything you want

28 Aug 2024

3dslicer extension deployment options

Slicer --help:

  --testing                                     Activate testing mode. It implies --disable-settings and --ignore-slicerrc. (default: false)
  --disable-python                              Disable python support. This is equivalent to build the application with Slicer_USE_PYTHONQT=OFF.
  --python-script                               Python script to execute after slicer loads.
  --python-code                                 Python code to execute after slicer loads.
  -c                                            Python code to execute after slicer loads. By default, no modules are loaded and Slicer exits afterward.
  --ignore-slicerrc                             Do not load the Slicer resource file (~/
  --additional-module-path                      Additional module path to consider when searching for modules to load.
  --additional-module-paths                     List of additional module path to consider when searching for modules to load.
Nel mezzo del deserto posso dire tutto quello che voglio.
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