In the middle of the desert you can say anything you want

24 Sep 2024

Setting up pylint as external tool in pycharm

My changes:

  • arguments: --msg-template="{abspath}:{line:5d},{column:2d}: {C}/{msg} ({symbol})" --output-format=colorized "$FilePath$"
    • note ", otherwise it failed for me, and {C} — for the message class see man page (or below) for list of format string options.
  • output filters for on-click: $FILE_PATH$:\s*$LINE$\,\s*$COLUMN$

I had two options as separate tools:

  • pylint for a single file
  • pylint for the module — same as above, but
    • with $FileParentDir$ at the end.
    • --recursive=y — fails on no otherwise

Worked neatly with a .pylintrc file in repo root with e.g.


# "too-few-public-methods", disable


[tool.pylint."messages control"]
disable = [
    "fixme",  # TODOs
    "import-error",  # runner has them in its environment
    "import-outside-toplevel",  # explicit requirement of XXX to import where used
    "duplicate-code"  # entangling different extensions/modules is not the solution

Pylint format string options from man pylint:

path   relative path to the file

	  absolute path to the file

line   line number

column column number

	  line number of the end of the node

	  column number of the end of the node

module module name

obj    object within the module (if any)

msg    text of the message

msg_id the message code (eg. I0011)

symbol symbolic name of the message (eg. locally-disabled)

C      one letter indication of the message category

	  fullname of the message category

For example, the former (pre 1.0) default format can be obtained with:

  pylint --msg-template='{msg_id}:{line:3d},{column}: {obj}: {msg}'


If I have this post open, I’ll need this one anyway: Messages control - Pylint 4.0.0-dev0 documentation

Nel mezzo del deserto posso dire tutto quello che voglio.
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