In the middle of the desert you can say anything you want

20 Dec 2024

Panflute and pandoc for parsing qmd and other files

I missed an ability to recursively look for elements matching a condition in panflute, so:

def _recursively_find_elements(
    element: Element | list[Element], condition: Callable
) -> list[Element]:
    """Return panflute element(s) and their descendants that match conditition.
    results = list()

    def action(el, doc):
        if condition(el):

    if not isinstance(element, list):
        element = [element]

    for e in element:

    return results

# sample condition
def is_header(e) -> bool:
	cond = e.tag == "Header" and e.level == 2  # and "data-pos" in e.attributes
	return cond

Ah, to read:

ddoc = pf.convert_text(

To output readably:


Pandoc/panflute get line numbers of elements

  • input_format has to be commonmark[_x]+sourcepos
    • sourcepos isn’t too well documented, only w/ commonmark
    • it basically sets el.attributes['data-pos'] a la 126:1-127:1
    • line_no always matching what I expect
def _parse_data_pos(p: str) -> tuple[tuple[int, int], tuple[int, int]]:
	"""Parse data-pos string to (line, char) for start and end.
	Example: '126:1-127:1' -> ((126, 1), (127, 1))
		p: data-pos string as generated by commonmark+sourcepos extension.
	start, end = p.split("-")
	start_l, start_c = start.split(":")
	end_l, end_ch = end.split(":")
	return (int(start_l), int(start_c)), (int(end_l), int(end_ch))
Nel mezzo del deserto posso dire tutto quello che voglio.
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