In the middle of the desert you can say anything you want

04 Oct 2021

Day 1007

vim open list of files from cli

vim -p `ag -l whatever`

opens each file returned by ag. (ag -l lists only the files with matches and nothing else)

Replacing jekyll-style highlight tags with standard markdown ones

In some posts I had code blocks like {% highlight html %} etc. The html/js got parsed, and some “here’s how to redirect using javascript” code got executed in the master page.

Here’s how I replaced all that syntax with the standard markdown one:

for f in `ag -l "endhighlight"`;
do cat $f | sed "s/{% highlight \(.*\) %}/\`\`\`\1/" | sed "s/{% endhighlight %}/\`\`\`/g" > $f;

Python dataclasses and classmethods

class MyClass:
  x: int = 4

def init_whatever(number: int)
  return cls(x=number)

Python exceptions and unittests

unittest’s self.assertRaisesRegex() is nice but couldn’t get it to work with my custom exception class.

with self.assertRaisesRegex(CustomException, "No trained model"):

It expects the message to be in e.args1. args also gets used by the Exception class for __str__() etc, so it’s a nice thing.

Set it up easily:

class CustomException(Exception):
    def __init__(self, detailed_message: str = None):
        if detailed_message:
          self.detailed_message = detailed_message
          self.args = (self.detailed_message, )

Catching python regex exceptions

try:"DataLoader worker(.*is killed by signal: Bus error", text)
except re.error:

TODO I really like this regex tutorial: Regular Expressions: Regexes in Python (Part 2) – Real Python

Nel mezzo del deserto posso dire tutto quello che voglio.