In the middle of the desert you can say anything you want

06 Oct 2021

Day 1009

Google Meet

You can minimize your own video, and then make the entire window much smaller!

Python strings formatting

Obvious, but: you can declare strings and format them in separate places!

my_string = "Hello my name is {0}"

from constants import my_string

Pycharm run current unittest binding

<C-S-F10> runs the unittest where the cursor is currently located. Or all of them if located anywhere else in the file.

TODO: set binding to do the same, but debugging.

python - run only some tests from a test suite

I wanted to run only some test files, all except the ones where I needed a GPU. Wrote this:

import subprocess

# Parts of filenames to exclude
large_tests = ['component', 'test_temp']

test_folder = Path(__file__).parent.absolute()
test_files = list(test_folder.glob("test_*.py"))
test_files = [ for x in test_files]

for l in large_tests:
  test_files = list(filter(lambda x: l not in x, test_files))

commands = ["python3", "-m", "unittest"] + test_files, cwd=test_folder)


  • Thought this would be a security nightmare, but it’s not1 - unless shell=True is explicitly passed, no shell is called, ergo no shell-command-injection stuff is possible.
  • os.chdir() is nicely replaced by the cwd= parameter, much nicer than what I’d have done previously!
Nel mezzo del deserto posso dire tutto quello che voglio.