In the middle of the desert you can say anything you want

18 Mar 2019

Day 077: Creating albums from scanned pictures

Automagically cropping pictures

This tutorial and extension could separate about 30% of the pictures with the default settings. Margins (and margins to the sides of the image!) are important.

Installing GIMP .scm plugins

is done by putting the .scm file to /usr/share/gimp/2.0/scripts/

Creating LaTeX photoalbums

This tutorial is freaking awesome.

Given the number of images I was dealing with manually configuring each one was not an option. What I wanted was a service that would, given my image collection, just print me a photo album of approx 6x4 images, in chronological order, two per page, with a caption below each detailing the image file name and the date taken.

It provides a .tex album file and a Python2 file which reads the Exif data and creates a photos.tex which gets included in the main album file.


DNB and Typing

Nel mezzo del deserto posso dire tutto quello che voglio.
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