In the middle of the desert you can say anything you want

17 Apr 2019

Day 107


Add search to this blog via this simple js

To watch: Hacking democracy with theater


It was a small Army Security Agency Station in Southeast Asia that I was doing some work for. They had a shrink and he pulled me aside. In just 10 minutes or so he taught me “breathing”. It wasn’t until the internet that I learned the term mindful breathing. Subsequently I figured out it was some sort of meditation. [..]\ \ He said I was ‘wrapped to tight’. What ever that means. Those guys were all spooks, but I did not have the same clearances. I was an outsider in that regard, but I did eat with them when at their place. I guess he was bored.\ \ He took my blood pressure and then taught me to breathe. Then he took it again. I was surprised at the drop. It hooked me on mindful breathing. It was probably a parlor trick, but it worked. He improved my lifetime health. For that I thank him.\ (from reddit)

Linux PDF forms

Okular can fill and save PDF forms. Zathura can open already filled forms.

Converting PDF to PNG, much better method than convert

pdftoppm input.pdf outputname -png\ pdftoppm input.pdf outputname -png -f {page} -singlefile It works much better than convert.


timeww continue continues the last tracked thing

Python multiline comments

Even though stylistically questionable (PEP8 favours multiple multiline comments), one possibility is to use """ mycomment """; when they are not a docstring they are ignored. (source). They have to be indented right though. And feel kinda wrong\ Additionally:

triple-quotes are a way to insert text that doesn’t do anything (I believe you could do this with regular single-quoted strings too), but they aren’t comments - the interpreter does actually execute the line (but the line doesn’t do anything). That’s why the indentation of a triple-quoted ‘comment’ is important. – Demis Jun 9 ‘15 at 18:35

Nel mezzo del deserto posso dire tutto quello che voglio.