In the middle of the desert you can say anything you want

18 May 2019

Day 138: bspwm and some configs

After another small pause, here comes another längliches post!

Urxvt -name and settings

I had been trying to get urxvt to play with i3 scratchpads, but when I set the -name setting I got a vanilla URxvt look.

You evidently configured the font for a specific application instance rather than for an application class. (SO). To make your settings always apply, set URxvt.font rather than urxvt.font, etc.

Solved my problem.

Though at the end, I spent some time looking for a way to grep “name” instead of “class” for URxvt in bspwm and gave up, now typing this on a st terminal and loving every second of it!


Is the terminal I might start to use everywhere.

In config.h I changed the font to be static char *font = "DejaVu Sans Mono:pixelsize=12:antialias=true:autohint=true";


Decided to give it a try, loving it!


To implement the scratchbox, used the method described in the Arch wiki.

In bspwmrc,

t -c scratchterm &
bspc rule -a scratchterm sticky=on state=floating hidden=on

In sxhkdrc,

super + minus

In ~/s/scratch,

#!/usr/bin/env bash
id=$(xdotool search --class scratchterm | head -n 1)
echo $id

if [ "$id" != "" ]
       bspc node "$id" --flag hidden -f

I added |head -n 1 so it can better deal with possible multiple terminals of this class, in case I have to restart bspwm for whatever reason.


  • The hype cycle of working memory training
    • near transfer is much more likely and proven than far transfer
    • in general doesn’t look to optimistic
    • High IQ/WM people benefit the most
    • High spacing seems the best for transfer
      • might be related to all those other “pauses are good you learning” effects
  • Spectrometer using a CD
  • ‘I’ve become very isolated’: the aftermath of near-doomed QF72
    • Like a bad partner, the computer’s systems went crazy then stopped communicating with me.

    • I’ve become very isolated. When you’ve been to the Moon, you can only talk to astronauts.

  • The Copenhagen interpretation of ethics
    • Excellent.
    • The Copenhagen Interpretation of Ethics says that when you observe or interact with a problem in any way, you can be blamed for it. At the very least, you are to blame for not doing more.

    • The program was helping as many people as it could, the only change was explicitly labeling a number of people it wasn’t helping as a “control group”. The response?
      “They should immediately stop this experiment, ” said the Manhattan borough president, Scott M. Stringer. “The city shouldn’t be making guinea pigs out of its most vulnerable.”

Arch compiling AURs from source

Didn’t have to do this a long time:

  1. makepkg -Acs
  2. sudo pacman -U x.pkg.tar.xz
Nel mezzo del deserto posso dire tutto quello che voglio.
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