Day 732
Markdown newline inside quote
Couldn’t understand why there are newlinen in my yearly review blog post from last year. So - in markdown, two spaces and then a line break create a line break.
So, like this:
Fine, no spaces Six, no spaces
Highlight to see spaces:
So, like this:
> Three
> Four
> Fine, no spaces
> Six, no spaces
vim show trailing whitespaces
In connection to the above, yes. Updated ~/.vimrc
with the following:
set listchars=tab:\:\
set listchars+=trail:◦
Looks like this:
vim CONVERSION ERROR - convert file to different encoding / save with other encoding.
For the above had to convert my ~/.vimrc to utf-8, not the default latin-1:
:w ++enc=utf-8
vim insert utf-8 characters
- Insert mode
<C-v> u25e6
(for “◦”/U+25E6, for example)
i3 keybinding to make a screenshot and put it into jekyll assets directory
This makes a screenshot as usual, opens it, opens the jekyll dtb assets folder, and puts the screenhsot name in the primary clipboard. I look at the screenshot, if I like it - I drag it directly to the folder, then use the vim/jekyll binding to insert it in the markdown.
bindsym Mod3+Shift+s --release exec scrot -s -e 'mv $f ~/s/screenshots && nomacs ~/s/screenshots/$f & echo -n $f | xclip -selection c && thunar ~/o/dtb/assets/pics/screenshots/'
echo -n
is echo without newline (otherwise it gets fed to xc with newline appended). Added to ~/.config/i3/config
Feels incredibly ugly and unstable but works for me I guess. Ideally it’s long enough to be replaced with a bash script, but not sure it’s worth it. But if I end up doing more of these, I’ll create a one custom big parametrized bash script that I’ll call like ./ screenshot
vim jekyll binding to insert screenshot picture
map <leader>p i<esc>0lli
in ~/.vimrc
Inserts a picture with filename from primary selection, then goes back to the description. Used with new i3 screenshot keybinding from above. a
in vim is “insert from next character”, so like A
but with words.
I really do need to use a
etc in vim more often.
camel / snake / kebab notation, note to self.
I seem to use more of-this-notation
lately, instead of this_notation
. Formalize this, not just for consistency, but to use this to my advantage - vim and company see these-words as separate, and this_word as one.
bash echo
without newline at the end
echo -n
doesn’t add a newline. Especially useful combined with xclip