Day 854
Reading “German: An Essential Grammar” by Donaldson found this bit: 1
English has a rule that if the time of an event that
occurred in the past is mentioned, then the imperfect must be used, but if
the time is omitted, the perfect is required, e.g. \
- He returned from Hamburg yesterday.
- He has returned from Hamburg.
- He has returned from Hamburg yesterday. (not grammatical)
zsh detach and disown
zsh-specific - to detach & disown a process, there’s &!
: 2
dolphin &!
German / Deutsch
Long question and answer about fahren zu/nach/in/…: Richtungen und Ziele
German FSI language courses
The Yojik Website has the FSI courses FSI Languages Courses and the website as I remember it.
Changed ~/.taskrc
to show any active tasks regardless of anything else in my sprint view:
s () {task s \(project:w or \(sprint:$SPRINT \(+A or +O\)\) or +ACTIVE\) "$*"}
Turn off screen/monitor with xset
Standard lock command leaves both monitors on.
Reddit3 mentioned two commands:
xset s activate
xset dpms force off
The second one worked for me!
Now I have shiny new screen lock (and suspend too, while we are at it) keybinding in i3 config!
bindsym $ms+n exec gnome-screensaver-command -l && xset dpms force off
bindsym $ms+Shift+n exec i3lock -i ~/s/black_lock.png -t -p win -e && systemctl suspend -i