Getting screenshots to work in qtile
Get screenshotting working through a hotkey. I need to screenshot an area of the screen, put the screenshot in a folder, and immediately open it.
In i3 had
bindsym Mod3+s --release exec scrot -s -e 'mv $f ~/s/screenshots && eog ~/s/screenshots/$f'
Nothing I tried worked (didn’t do anything weird):
Key([mod], "s", lazy.spawn(CONFIG_LOCATION + ""))
Tracked it down to two main issues:
works,scrot -s
doesn’t. (Running the shell script directly from shell was fine!)- qtile doesn’t like variables in shell scripts
# this works scrot -u -e 'thunar $f' "/tmp/shot.png" # this doesn't scrot -u -e 'thunar $f' "$SCREENSHOT_PATH/shot.png"
Decided to leave the first one alone, scrot -u
gets the currently selected window, which generally is good enough for me.
The second one - first rewrote the script to get passed the target path as positional variable (surprisingly it worked!), then decided to do it python-only. As a bonus, copies the screenshot url to the clipboard.
# definition
copy_command = 'bash -c "echo {0} | xclip -selection c"'
# ...
def take_screenshot():
SCREENSHOT_FILENAME ="qtile_%y%m%d-%H%M%S%z")+"-$w$h.png"
command = f"scrot -u -e 'thunar $f && {Commands.copy_command.format('$f')}' {screenshot_path}"
return command
Key([mod], "s", lazy.spawn(Commands.take_screenshot()))
(qtile-dotfiles/ at master · justinesmithies/qtile-dotfiles has escrotum
as python module, errored out during install in the qtile venv and segfaulted on first run when installed outside of it.)