Meta about writing a Masterarbeit
Literature review
Literature Review For Academic Outsiders: What, How, and Why — LessWrong
‘Literature review’ the process is a way to become familiar with what work has already been done in a particular field or subject by searching for and studying previous work
Every time I do research I perform a simple thought experiment: assuming somewhere in the world exists evidence that would prove or disprove my hypothesis, where is it?
Citations are a hierarchy of ideas
Style etc.
My old note about tenses in a bachelor thesis: Day 155 - linking to the excellent Effective Writing | Learn Science at Scitable
- My notes at 231201-1401 How to read and write a paper according to hackernews. Main takeaway for me is to keep in mind my target audience, what they know and what they don’t, when writing.
Grammar glossing
Leipzig glossing rules
Leipzig Glossing rules seems to be the key for me:
Markdown and python and stuff
- cysouw/pandoc-ling: Pandoc Lua filter for linguistic examples
- gunnarnl/pangb4e: Pandoc filter for gb4e support
- parryc/doctor_leipzig: Leipzig, MD - glossing for Markdown
- one can always do
<span style="font-variant:small-caps;">Hello World</span>
Nel mezzo del deserto posso dire tutto quello che voglio.
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