In the middle of the desert you can say anything you want


11 Jan 2024

Linguistic questions in the Masterarbeit

  • Morphology
    • declension/inflection/… —
      • the process itself
      • hints given by the inflection when choosing the correct option
        • does it make sense to measure it?..
      • 0f406ab6a468a9d29aec491c2baf5a62bcac893156f82ab5242c289ca5f839bf.png
    • flexible word order like in German — am I correct in saying sense and emphasis can be conveyed in the written word through it or emphasis gives this more/additional meaning?
      • what’s the name of the thing I google?
  • RU/UA interference
    • ChatGPT
      • sometimes throughout the conversation it changes names etc., and starts using unnatural clearly Russian sentence structure - any way I can measure/quantify that?
    • how to measure?
    • false friends?
    • UA-GEC errors of specific kinds by people from specific geographic places?
    • Word embeddings — find Ukrainian words very similar (string-similarity) to Russian words that nevertheless are embedded quite differently than Russian homonyms
    • find intersections between UA-GEC and word embeddings and use that?..
    • constant code switching — can I somehow use that, that is — the places where people tend to switch to Russian being the ‘harder’ places?
Nel mezzo del deserto posso dire tutto quello che voglio.