In the middle of the desert you can say anything you want

15 Jul 2024

Notes on 3d-slicer

// ref: 240701-1752 NII MRI annotation tools

  • Importing 2x .nii as directory worked as-is

  • Volumes can do settings per file, incl.:

    • annotations threshold starts at 1
  • Volume renderings gives 3d views?

  • Annotations can be imported as annotations/segmentations through add data! Then they are parsed semantically

  • One can segment N slices and it magically creates a 3d shape out of it!

  • Exporting annos as nifti possible through “export” in Segmentation module 2(not Segment Editor!)

  1. Formats (NITRC: dcm2nii: MainPage)

    • DICOM is the medical lingua franca, scientific apps like nifti. Additionally,

      The DICOM standard is very complex, and different vendors have interpreted it differently. Accurate conversion to NIfTI format requires reading the vendor’s private tags.

  2. Save a DICOM Data as a Nifti - Support - 3D Slicer Community ↩︎

Nel mezzo del deserto posso dire tutto quello che voglio.
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