In the middle of the desert you can say anything you want

25 Mar 2020

Day 450

Kitty - the terminal emulator

Added bindsym $ms+Return exec ~/.local/ to ~/.config/i3/config kitty - the fast, featureful, GPU based terminal emulator — kitty 0.17.1 documentation is really awesome actually, and noticeably faster than any other terminals I’ve used.

TODO - read through the documentation linked above, esp wrt zooming and config.

<Ctrl+Shift+F2> opens the config file. In general I love everything about Kitti for now, in all the tiny little details.


font_family      FiraCode-Bold
font_size 10.0
cursor_blink_interval 0.5
scrollback_lines 5000
strip_trailing_spaces smart

background_image ~/test.png
background_image_layout tiled
background_tint 0.7

Random / interesting

Waffle House Index - Wikipedia

If you get there and the Waffle House is closed? That’s really bad… — Craig Fugate, Former Head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency

Qutebrowser writing python userscripts

Just wrote this and put it into ~/.local/share/qutebrowser/userscripts/

This is an userscript that allows me to escape my only problematic markdown character (|) when copying with ym:

import os

title = os.environ['QUTE_TITLE']
title = title.replace("|", "\\|")

url = os.environ['QUTE_URL']

with open(os.environ['QUTE_FIFO'], 'w') as f:
    f.write("yank inline \"[{}]({})\"".format(title, url))

Added config.bind('ym', 'spawn --userscript') to

Python set environment variables

Why did I need to use with open(..) as f: in the above script and couldn’t just do os.environ['sth']='sth else'?

Taskwarrior task annotation

It took seeing qutebrowser/taskadd at master · qutebrowser/qutebrowser to learn that you can annotate tasks in taskwarrior! task 123 annotate my annotation that can be long adds a visible line with the annotation under the task that is shown whenever the task is shown. This is awesome and I should read manpages sometimes.

Keyboard layout

I should finally put it in order, especially given that I mostly don’t use the left-hand part of the left-hand typing layout, I started today by putting my ` and ~ no LALT+SHIFT+apostrophe by adding this:

key <AD01> { [ apostrophe,!quotedbl, grave, asciitilde] };

to /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/v4

Making Fiamma / Semantic Mediawiki alive again

{%raw%}{{=}}{%endraw%} template

Using Template:= - Wikipedia as an example, I created a page located at = - Fiamma which I can include as {%raw%}{{=}}{%endraw%} to replace URIs in parameters in my Template:B - Fiamma template. I’m not sure how would I edit all pages containing equal signs in parameters but this is a nice start. My source is Help:Template - Wikipedia, first bullet point.

Same works for |, for which there’s already the default template {%raw%}{{!}}{%endraw%}.

New javascript bookmarklets qutebrowser userscripts!

The old venerable bookmarklets I wrote about here Updated Fiamma “Add link” bookmarklet (now there are two of them!) | Я сам, соломка, чай. are as dead as it gets, I’ll write one userscript to rule them all :) Or one userscript and one vim script to expand it.

Current iteration is:

import os
from urllib.parse import quote_plus

def urlencode(string):
  return quote_plus(string)

def replace(original):
    new = original.replace("|", "-")
    return new

title = os.environ['QUTE_TITLE']
url = os.environ['QUTE_URL']

newTitle = replace(title)
newUrl = replace(url)

et = urlencode(newTitle)
eu = urlencode(newUrl)

fiammaUrl = ''
url = fiammaUrl+'?title='+et+'&action=edit&preload=Template:NewLink&preloadparams[]='+eu+'&preloadparams[]='+et

with open(os.environ['QUTE_FIFO'], 'w') as f:
    f.write("open -w {}".format(url))

Pages to test this on:

Running userscript in qutebrowser

I had issues with commands executing too early, for example before the previous one has executed. So:

config.bind('B', 'spawn --userscript')
config.bind('T', 'hint inputs --first;; later 20 leave-mode;; later 20 open-editor')

Lastly for some reason the “later” sometimes are interpreted as starting at the same time, not from the time the last command finished executing.

Vim macros for the vimwin


" let @H = 'gg??c??bi??c??b{{B|^[^[^[j0i|^[^[^[ji|j?kb^[^[^[ji|^[^[^[o}};q' " For the 5 lines
" let @L = 'ji{{$?kb%?kb#set:\^Mk=?kD^[o|+sep=,}}^[' " For the tags
" let @C = 'i[[C;tj?kb?kb?kbategory: ^[^[^[A]];q' " For each individual category 
" let @F = 'jjVG:norm! @C\^M' "Apply that to all lines till the end
" let @d = '@H@L@F'
" let @q = '^[A^[bbbbbbi|??^B?kb^[:%s/=/{{=}}/ge^M'

" Summed up:
let @C = 'i[[C;tj?kb?kb?kbategory: ^[^[^[A]];q' " For each individual category
let @H = '^[A^[bbbbbbi|??^B?kb^[:%s/=/{{=}}/ge^Mgg??c??bi??c??b{{B|^[^[^[j0i|^[^[^[ji|j?kb^[^[^[ji|^[^[^[o}};qji{{$?kb%?kb#set:^Mk=?kD^[o|+sep=,}}^[jjVG:norm! @C^M:x^M'
" let @d = '@H@L@F'

The above changes text like:
Diensttagebuch - A purely technical blog about things I did on particular days, for future reference and search.

tag1, tag tag2, tag3

And a category with space


|Diensttagebuch - A purely technical blog about things I did on particular days, for future reference and search.
k=tag1, tag tag2, tag3
|+sep=, }}

[[Category: Cat1]]
[[Category: Cat2]]
[[Category: And a category with space]]

For the above, jekyll had issues with utf-8 encoding and the escaped characters, so I copy-pasted them with my mouse from my terminal.

Additionally it converts the equal sign to its template, and saves-and-closes gvim.

… And with the glorious new page Waffle House Index - Wikipedia - Fiamma a new era for that wiki starts again!

This raises the question about what is the role of this blog, but I think here we’ll stick to IT stuff

Vim script omit “Pattern not found” error

..especially when writing macros that replace stuff. The magic is the e option at the end:


And the vim macro / script doesn’t break anymore.

DTB Master file

Added some things to the script, it’s even more ugly now but the resulting page is okay:

{% raw %}
echo "Concatting all existing days"
cd _posts
echo \
layout: page
title: Master file
permalink: /master/
> ../

cat * | grep -v "layout: post" | grep -v "categories: \[" | grep -v "title:  \"Day" | grep -v "date:   20" | grep -v "\-\-\-"  >> ../
{% endraw %}
Nel mezzo del deserto posso dire tutto quello che voglio.