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12 Feb 2017

The best way to end an email if you want a response - Business Insider Deutschland

  • People/Psychology
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  • People
  • People/Psychology

  • Tags:
  • Writing
  • Email
  • Psychology
  • Etiquette

  • Rating: 5; Complexity: 5
    Title: The best way to end an email if you want a response - Business Insider Deutschland

    Then they picked out the eight email sign-offs that appeared over 1,000 times each and figured out the response rate linked to each sign-off. Here’s what they found:

    "Thanks in advance" had a response rate of 65.7%
    "Thanks" had a response rate of 63%
    "Thank you" had a response rate of 57.9%
    "Cheers" had a response rate of 54.4%
    "Kind regards" had a response rate of 53.9%
    "Regards" had a response rate of 53.5%
    "Best regards" had a response rate of 52.9%
    "Best" had a response rate of 51.2%
    The average response rate for all the emails in their sample was 47.5%.