In the middle of the desert you can say anything you want

15 Apr 2017

How Quentin Tarantino Creates Suspense in His Favorite Scene, the Tension-Filled Opening Moments of Inglourious Basterds - Open Culture

  • Art
  • People/Psychology
  • (show all) All categories:
  • Art
  • People
  • People/Psychology

  • Tags:
  • Emotions
  • Movies
  • Films
  • Suspense
  • Tarantino
  • Inglorious
  • Bastards
  • Video
  • Psychology

  • Rating: 7; Complexity: 6
    Title: How Quentin Tarantino Creates Suspense in His Favorite Scene, the Tension-Filled Opening Moments of Inglourious Basterds - Open Culture

    Drawing from psychological research on the nature of tension and suspense, series creator Michael Tucker highlights certain “key components of tension experiences,” including uncertainty, instability, and a lack of control, and shows how Tarantino uses them to heighten the tension as much as possible throughout these seventeen minutes.