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Variable Interval Schedule of Reinforcement
DNA seen through the eyes of a coder (or, If you are a hammer, everything looks like a nail) - Articles ( – wallabag
MoSCoW method - Wikipedia
Creating a QR Code step by step
Hypocycloid juggling patterns – Isohedral
The Technium: 68 Bits of Unsolicited Advice
Cincinnati Time Store - Wikipedia
Hey There Little Electron, Why Won't You Tell Me Where You Came From?
Waffle House Index - Wikipedia
Why do color TVs make black and white snow? - Hacker News
Seeking the Productive Life: Some Details of My Personal Infrastructure—Stephen Wolfram Blog
What is the difference between reden, sprechen & sagen? - Angelika's German Tuition & Translation
Out of the Tar Pit - MoseleyMarks06a.pdf (Complexity)
Ten minutes a day – Noteworthy - The Journal Blog
10 Rules for Better Flashcards (focused on programming)
How to Generally Reduce Procrastination
Forget calorie counting: Try this calorie control guide for men and women - Precision Nutrition
Quotes (Michael Nielsen's website)
as days pass by — Collecting user data while protecting user privacy
SSC Journal Club: Friston On Computational Mood - Slate Star Codex - Information radiator
Evidence Based Scheduling – Joel on Software
How To Make Money as a Multipotentialite - Puttylike
Mathematical and Puzzle Fonts/Typefaces
SquirrelInHell's Mind
Shopping for Happiness – Put A Number On It!
Why Do We See Similarities Across Languages? The Brain May Be Responsible - Neuroscience News
Cognitive dimensions of notations
List of eponymous laws - Wikipedia
Oblique Strategies - Wikipedia
Sturgeon's law - Wikipedia ("90% of everything is crap")
How Much Can You Possibly Learn?
The Neural Network Zoo - The Asimov Institute
Index of Bongard Problems
37 Ways That Words Can Be Wrong - Less Wrong
Logical Punctuation (Infographic) - Grammarly Blog
The 39 Melachot - Shabbat
Epistemic Effort - Less Wrong
Top 50 ggplot2 Visualizations - The Master List (With Full R Code)
PhD viva preparation checklist - Saul Albert
21 Genius Ways To Track Your Mental Health
Richard Hamming: You and Your Research
Software development 450 words per minute - Vincit (blind person coding via speech synth)
Evolved antenna - Wikipedia
Path dependence - Wikipedia
Self-Managing People Are Smart about Asking for Help
Abstractivate: Hyperproductive development
Glomar response - Wikipedia "Neither confirm nor deny"
Students' future, teacher's past
‘Critical Slowing’ Warns of Looming Disasters (systems theory)
Reification (fallacy) - Wikipedia
The Pi Code
Tapeworm Logic - Charlie's Diary
The Elian Script
What the Hidden Fractals in Jackson Pollock’s Art Tell Us
Are Adult Developmental Stages Real? - Otium
Weber’s Law and Fechner’s Law
Therefore sign - Wikipedia (∴)
Complexity.PDF - Complexity.PDF - "Measures of complexity"
Quick Introduction to Forkner Shorthand - Album on Imgur
You’re probably searching for a better life—but what if you already have it? — Quartz
Mnemonic major system - Wikipedia
SMMRY - About (Algo to summarize text)
INTP Learning Style
Alessandro Rubini - Linux / FOSS independent consultant
What is the XY problem? - Meta Stack Exchange
Why Cryonics Makes Sense - Wait But Why
Gossip protocol - Wikipedia
The scientific way to prioritization or how to REALLY tell what to do next – Swip — All about Productivity and applying Lean in the real World. – Medium
Principle of least astonishment - Wikipedia
Universal Decimal Classification - Wikipedia
Hick's law - Wikipedia
The Xanadu Universe
The Alien Style of Deep Learning Generative Design – Intuition Machine – Medium
The Evernote Card System: How to Remember What You Read @ Sam Thomas Davies
Lawrence Kohlberg's stages of moral development - Wikipedia
Indra's net - Wikipedia
Дербаним картинки из qt
Mental disorders as networks
Pets vs. Cattle