In the middle of the desert you can say anything you want

24 Apr 2023

vim iskeyword to change definition of what is a word

Move inside words separated by _

Wanted w/b in python not to skip over underscores, that is consider underscores word separators.

set iskeyword? shows the current/default value:

  • in vim: iskeyword=@,48-57,,_,192-255
  • in ideavim: iskeyword=@,48-57,_

Not digging to deep, removing _ gives me the wanted behaviour. Python got even easier now. (Keeping the ~/.vimrc as-is though).

EDIT: OK, but this breaks <C-*> and I can’t quickly jump between functions. Sad :( Rolling back…

Vim/Ideavim camelcase motion

IdeaVim supports camel case motions! Of course it does: ]w, [w, ]b, [b

I’m happy for my custom keyboard layout where brackets are REALLY close and usable. I love this.

But for pycharm, remapped them, giving me what I want:

 map w [w
 map e ]w
 map b [b 
Nel mezzo del deserto posso dire tutto quello che voglio.
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