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tags: Linux
Using uv as shebang line and adding requirements
pipx inject library into app environment
Splitting files
Yay better/faster compression algos
yay don't ask for confirmation + the `yes` command to answer prompts
rsync on file changes with inotifywatch
Boltctl monitor exists
Kitty close terminal window
Dowgrading AUR packages to an older version in arch using yay cache and pacman pinning
Arch cron
PDF forms in Linux
Arch linux xlock before suspend service
Screenshots in qtile with maim
New Linux install notes
Zathura is awesome
Hierarchical tree list of running processes in linux
llm python module for CLI llm or chatGPT use
Speedtest-cli and cloudflare's cooler alternative
poetry and pyenv
jupyter notebook, lab etc. installing extensions magic, paths etc.
pip force reinstall
Gitstats for git project statistics
vim iskeyword to change definition of what is a word
CLI preserve colored output by making programs think they are running interactively
Make files downloadable in an Apache webserver and HTML
Re-running commands with fc
Running scripts in linux without chmod-ding them
Windows has case-insensitive filenames and using fnmatch for not-filenames fails
List of all xkbmap configuration options
frp proxy using docker (-compose)
self-hosting with docker compose resources
Using cloudflared tunnels as proxy in docker
Burn iso onto usb with dd
Debian linux install hangs on configuring network + debugging linux install issues
Yunohost let's encrypt certbot manual certificate process
Make incoming pings visible
OpenSSH version
Options to access a host from behind NAT and firewall
Ping with timestamp
Gimp open PDFs to clean them
Setting up again Nextcloud, dav, freshRSS sync etc. for Android phone
Disable mouse while typing blues part N
Linux toggle touchpad
qtile lazy functions
My custom keyboard layout with dvorak and LEDs
Qtile replacing countdown-notification mechanism
Debugging general linux problems + listing files by modification date
inxi for getting basic info about a system
Linux changing password delay
Noise cancelling and pipewire
Linux CLI find out where disk space went
Taskwarrior can have lower-case tags
linux pkill autocompletes only running processes
Personal script directory
timewarrior lengthening last task to now through a hint; representing dates
Adding output of a shell script to qtile statusbar
qtile open directory using the default file browser
qtile-i3-awesomeWM warning on low battery level
Fix for pycharm being slow
zsh and bash iterate for each line in command or in file
Changing screen brightness on linux, on hardware and software level
installing noisetorch on Mint with permissions and setuid and CAP_SYS_RESOURCE
vnstat for monitoring traffic
kitty terminal size issues
vim automatically use the last search in search and replace
Blues in setting qutebrowser as default browser
Making a script into an application
Port forwarding through ssh config
Screen tips
sshfs configs
pycharm already running fix
Getting screenshots to work in qtile
qtile scripting through callables; switching to specific layout
Restarting qtile when you mess up config file
Adding a new WM to startup with GDM
211208-1509 qtile WM first impressions
211128-2120 simple-scan for scanning
211101-2211 NixOS and nix