In the middle of the desert you can say anything you want
Definition of sophomoric 1
HashKnownHosts no
# Servers #
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/Michael-Van-Delft.id_rsa
User michael
# Port forwarding for I2P. Simply run ssh I2P_Router
# then browse to http://localhost:7657/
Host I2P_Router
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/Michael-Van-Delft.id_rsa
User i2p_user
LocalForward 7657 localhost:7657
LocalForward 4444 localhost:4444
LocalForward 6668 localhost:6668
# Example of a local server with IPv6 only
Host zilean
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/
User pi
AddressFamily inet6
HostName 2001:0db8:6101:cc01::7
1 a : parched with heat especially of the sun : hot
The German term Mitläufer (plural: Mitläufer) was used after World War II by the denazification hearings in West Germany to refer to people who were not charged with Nazi crimes but whose involvement with the Nazis was considered significant to an extent that they could not be exonerated for the crimes of the Nazi regime.
Excellent guide relevant for pretty much any high-stress times. I liked the idea about procrastinating effectively.
Regular, goal oriented physical exercise at home will save time/money. Eat small meals throughout the day to keep your energy levels consistent. Walk for at least one hour every day Try exercise first thing: an early commitment kept makes other daily habits easier.
Try to cultivate hobbies that involve social contact, but where you can turn them on and off like a tap when you need to. Social dancing is a good example.
You are going to spend most of your time procrastinating, so do it well. Enhance the ergonomics and comfort of your workspace and equipment. Develop your research infrastructure, use tools you’re excited to learn and try. ‘‘‘Start and maintain a ‘second project’ to keep you interested '’’ Do something useful for your research sub-community. It really pays off. Follow people you respect on twitter, post something useful for them daily. Organize and re-organize your literature, files, data, drawers, pencil case etc. Seek out new tweaks, hacks and incremental improvements everywhere.
Yet another post to remind me just how how lucky I am to be able to program and solve such small questions/problems
Alice has a GPG secret key on a usb keyring. If she loses that keyring, she will have to revoke the key. This sucks because she go to conferences lots and is scared that she will, eventually, lose the key somewhere. So, if, instead she needed both her laptop and the usb keyring in order to have her secret key, losing one or the other does not compromise her gpg key. Now, if she splits the key into a 3-of-5 share, put one share on her desktop, one on the laptop, one on her server at home, and two on the keyring, then the keyring-plus-any-machine will yield the secret gpg key, but if she loses the keyring, She can reconstruct the gpg key (and thus make a new share, rendering the shares on the lost usb keyring worthless) with her three machines at home.
A hook is a musical idea, often a short riff, passage, or phrase, that is used in popular music to make a song appealing and to “catch the ear of the listener”. The term generally applies to popular music, especially rock, R&B, hip hop, dance, and pop. In these genres, the hook is often found in, or consists of, the chorus.
*a large group or collection *
a group of animals and especially quail (=перепілки)
“query:TwitterURLs:tags =~ "5. Twitter" and content =~ "http"”
“5. Twitter”
I had no idea newsbeuter could do that – snippet above creates a pseudo-RSS feed w/ only tweets containing URLs
Small little wrapper that allows to output arbitrary things to i3status while retaining the origiral colours.
+ excellent website design