In the middle of the desert you can say anything you want
Excellent auto-generated ding dictionaries from Wikidictionary. Really nice idea and implementation
Text same colour as background and size zero. Additionally, all the clipboard-modifying javascripts
Excellent regex tutorial!
Type of cancer that seems to think it’s a fetus
Using an array of microphones, the creature would turn its head in the direction of a sound, its speed proportional to the volume. If the direction of the sound source remained constant, the rest of the body would gradually follow, making the “animal” appear to home in on the sound. It would shy away from loud noises, and at overwhelming sound levels it would raise its neck vertically and “disdainfully” ignore further sounds until the volume came down
From the creator of “The horrible German language”
Students made to feel a lack of control more often reported seeing
images of animals, people, or foods where none existed.
*“Superstitions create a form of structure in an unstructured world,”
“Engaging in superstitious behavior creates a subsequent illusion of control over future outcomes.”
It turns out that if what you do is really risky and dangerous, or involves lots of uncertainty, then you’re more likely to hold and practice superstitions. It’s not just sailing. Gambling, Wall Street trading, and baseball are just a few more examples.