In the middle of the desert you can say anything you want
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Підсумки 2024
Компот а ля АП
Packing for bike trip notes
Naming conference rooms in your company after the illnesses you cure
German word Stehrümchen
Hyphens vs dashes vs en-dash em-dash minus etc
Sad clown paradox
Intermezzo IV
Nice German word 'Krempel' and others
Using descriptive titles not just for graphs, but also for section names
Tradition of summarizing read books at the end of the year
Сенека про смерть
Philosophy of your should be able to fix it yourself
Паста с морепродуктами в сливочном соусе
Used bycicle German contract
Cooling your house
Cough types metodichka
Caution text art and text art
Запеканка с мясом и овощами
Harvard sentences
German Bindestrich VS Minus
List of good things
From an Intermezzo-3 post that was never written
Common cold and flu basics
CATB dancing with the Gods
LW at the end of each year votes for the best post of the PREVIOUS year
Рецепт котлет а ля АП
How to remove a key lock cylinder
211208-1733 Adding highlights to a list of sample configuration folders
211201-0057 Obsidian daily notes templates
211201-2236 job interview questions
211201-2243 things to learn
Stuff to learn in my free time
Tibetan bowl 5min video
Obsidian starter templates
LOT Polish Airlines
Old blog - randomness of this week
Programming is
Quotes from my old blog
Two kinds of self-confidence
211120-2101 Шорох орехов
211119-1208 BER airport charging stations
Chicken brining
English phrases about time estimates
Medicine and IT and approaches to mistakes
Pergamon, keychains and Pavlovian reflexes
When to hold on to information + problems and solutions
Mackerel recipes
Салат с консервированным тунцом и фасолью
Obsidian templates for notes and life organisation
Cooking - general
Lemon curd salmon recipe
Traveling checklist