In the middle of the desert you can say anything you want
Was redesigning my website, looked if there’s a smarter way to color links based on whether they are internal/external than manually adding classes to them. Well there is: Attribute selectors - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets | MDN
Attributes can be parsed based on prefixes, suffixes, containing something, belonging to a predefined list etc.
Full list: CSS selectors - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets | MDN
Random list from the internet: Telegram Desktop Keyboard Shortcuts (hotkeys)
Here interesting is <C-S-x>
for strikethrough text. The others there are all mostly useful.
Would be neat to add some simple javascripts to the Checklists | Diensttagebuch, so that when I click each <li>
it’ll become strikethrough-d. I’d be something a la document.querySelectorAll("li")
+ somethingsomethingOnClicksomething.
javascript - Change CSS properties on click - Stack Overflow, or whatever. Filling this as “todo” for some infinite time in the future. Likely not worth spending time on, as I nether am planning to travel too much, nor want to learn more about javascript.
It kept showing a “Thesis” link in the header, I couldn’t understand where from - well, I had a file called \
, prolly a vim artifact, which was a copy of the
I’d been blaming. Removing \
removed the link. This also breaks my assumption that jekyll will ignore any non-md non-html files, noted.
published: false
in the front matter should’ve made the post disappear, but reloading it I could see it was still there. Then I noticed it did disappear from the category listings.
The issue was my use of rsync, a line I had copypasted a long time ago:
rsync -av _site/ me@server:/whatever --progress --update
It uploads incrementally only the changed files. No one said anything about deleting the deleted ones! Jekyll didn’t generate pages for those posts, but the ones on the server stayed there.
Not quite sure whether a fix is needed, for now just removed the directory from the server.
Has nice keyboard shortcuts, viewable with ?
. Heavily vim-inspired
Deleted as they were not interesting/relevant anymore, but one of these days I’ll post my final (Russian-language) presentation somewhere here.
You can add things like someObject.someFunction()
and basically any python code there! And it starts getting evaluated immediately after adding, even without stepping through or anything similar! This will save me a lot of “Eval code” - whose last remaining purpose can then be .. is “exploratory debugging” a thing?
There’s a “Go back” action, <C-A-Left>
is the default mapping on my installation - does what it says on the box. Handy for going back after looking at the implementation of something etc etc etc. Can’t find it in the ideavim actionlist though :( Though found <C-O>
to jump to the last edited line which is very handy too:
* |CTRL-O| {@link com.maddyhome.idea.vim.action.motion.mark.MotionJumpPreviousAction}
Life keeps telling me to learn the tools I use daily, to read the entire help/manual etc - maybe one day I’ll learn to do this.
If you refactor a loop variable, such as for t in ...
, if you choose to replace strings in comments, it might replace that letter outside tokens - the “t” in “won’t”, for example. (Not that clicking “Refactor” without looking at the suggestions is ever a good idea).
Object-Detection-Metrics/ at master · rafaelpadilla/Object-Detection-Metrics doesn’t use a main function in the files it runs, but has this neat snippet to add the library to PATH. TODO - at which point does this file get run and using what mechanism?
Add :undo –window by toofar · Pull Request #4807 · qutebrowser/qutebrowser adds this ability, mapped to U
by default. Works for windows!
In general with autosave set, if I’m disciplined enough to close it with :quit
or something mapped to it, it should reopen all of them.
So, again:
Adding the files to /etc/cron.hourly
/daily/weekly/… makes them executed at least once a X. Better than standard way for instances where the computer can be turned off during the planned time, and then it won’t execute - the way above makes sure it will.
Miller (mlr
) is a tool for doing stuff to csvs like jq is for jsqn: Quick examples — Miller 5.10.2 documentation
cocoapi/pycocoDemo.ipynb at master · cocodataset/cocoapi has a nice example of a use case that’s not printlns:
Nothing was working, neither tqdm nor atpbar, till I used “emulate terminal” in the running config. As soon as I did all bars started working!
Nested loops - for tqdm, nothing needed except just calling it twice. The inner loop, tqdm(iterator, leave=False)
removes the 100% completed inner bar and restarts from 0, so only two bars are seen at the same time.
atpbar (alphatwirl/atpbar: Progress bars for threading and multiprocessing tasks on terminal and Jupyter Notebook) is basically like tqdm. Can’t find an option similar to leave=True
(though didn’t look), and output looks juuust a bit nicer than vanilla tqdm.