In the middle of the desert you can say anything you want
yunohost app info -f appname
returns the A LOT of info about the appname, including installation paths.
… can be located in ~/.config/qutebrowser/userscripts
, not just in ~/.local ..
! When tried to run one it didn’t find it helpfully outputted all the paths it looks for them - which is great and I’ll steal this. If a file is not found you know the person will probably need this, especially if they are many.
One of the cooler solutions I’ve seen: Managing dotfiles with GNU stow - Alex Pearce (There seems to be a canonical page1 I found first, but I like the other one more)
TL;DR create a directory for the dotfiles, with each folder containing dotfiles mirroring the usual dotfiles’ locations in the system; Then from inside the main dotfiles directory do stow vim bash whatever
and it’ll magically put it in the right place in the home directory.
This works because
Stow assumes that the contents of the
you specify should live one directory above where the stow command is run, so having our .dotfiles directory at ~/.dotfiles means using stow to manage our dotfiles just works. 2
This is awesome because:
The same article2’s sample github repo: dotfiles/neovim at master · alexpearce/dotfiles
The stow linked github repo’s dotfiles are actually fascinating: alexpearce/dotfiles: My dotfiles.
dotfiles/.gitconfig at master · alexpearce/dotfiles:
# Clone git repos with URLs like "gh:alexpearce/dotfiles"
[url ""]
insteadOf = "gh:"
[url ""]
pushInsteadOf = "gh:"
# Clone CERN GitLab repos with URLs like "gl:lhcb/Hlt"
[url "ssh://"]
insteadOf = "gl:"
Applying the above to my own configs in ~/.gitconfig
Assuming the ssh port is 1234 ~/.gitconfig
is like
[url "ssh://git@myserver:1234/"]
insteadOf = "gh:"
and then in the per-repo settings something similar to
[remote "bitbucket"]
url = gh:myusername/myproject.git
Cloning it is now easy:
git clone gh:myusername/myproject
List of supported languages and lexers · rouge-ruby/rouge Wiki
Quite a lot! Will try the generic conf
for the .gitconfig
Brandon Invergo - Using GNU Stow to manage your dotfiles. ↩︎
Even better description than the canonical page: Managing dotfiles with GNU stow - Alex Pearce ↩︎ ↩︎
I’m very impressed by it! Makes everything really easy, I remember the last time I had to install stuff manually. After 48h 9/10, some things surprised me (removing root ssh access…) but they were always mentioned in the relevant docu I hadn’t read.
Official docu is quite okay, but rarely appeared when I was googling my problems. My instinct is to Google the problem instantly - sometimes they should actually be to find and check any existing official documentation/README first, then google. (An even better instinct would be to skim any official documentation before starting, as religiously as I do it for unknown real-life 3D things.)
This took me too long to find, has info about correct DNS records: DNS and subdomains for the applications | Yunohost Documentation
By trial and error the complete process is:
agenda CNAME
blog CNAME
) as it if were newI kept messing up NAME and DATA of the CNAME records because I was following more the other ones Yunohost created, a row of
Data: @
For I needed this (kinda-sorta-reversed from the above; as usual, dots are significant):
Name: my.domain.
Data: subdomainname
cfonts is like figlet, but with many more settings (colors and alignment blew my mind!)! Link has a lot of colorful examples. I might get a nice colorful motd and/or banner soon. :)
There’s a command for that: hostnamectl set-hostname new-hostname
I like the idea of having ~/.local/bin
in my $PATH
, and putting there symbolic links (ln -s TARGET LINK
) to my usual folder where I have programs/executables. I’d even have a separate thing in $PATH
for shell scripts and binaries, which will get rid of so many stupid CLI aliases I have whose function is to point to a single executable with a long path.
TODO - look at my aliases and commands I run often and see how many of them can I symlink
and similar foldersHad always problems with umlauts etc, looked at the source, changed #!/usr/bin/env python
to #!/usr/bin/env python3
- now it works! Wanted to do a pull request, but it’s fixed on github master1, the apt repo has an older version as it often does.
.. As expected. git clone git@what:ever outputdirectory
. git clone git@what:ever .
New domain, yay! I’ll slowly move stuff there, starting with this diensttagebuch.
I wanted to set up two remotes, so that the dtb
script after building the html & rsync-ing would push it to both the github dtb repo and my own.
Followed this basically (except that I had deleted origin
by error in the process, so recreated it back again and added both remotes to it so I’ll still be able to do git push origin master
): How to push to multiple git remotes at once. Useful if you keep mirrors of your repo..
Mostly copying from there, changing/sanitizing some of my configs:
# Assume the git repost are set up like this
git remote add github #this is the one "origin" pointed to to
git remote add bb
# Add to origin two remote urls for push
git remote set-url --add --push origin
git remote set-url --add --push origin
# Look at the result
git remote show origin
which outputs this:
> git remote show origin
* remote origin
Fetch URL:
Push URL:
Push URL:
HEAD branch: master
Mentioned in the comments, it works, but has to be done twice of as it seems to rewrite the original remote: git remote set-url --add --push origin <...>
But maybe the most interesting thing there is .git/config
! I didn’t know it existed, it shows most of the same things but much easier to read/edit! It currently shows something like this:
> cat .git/config
repositoryformatversion = 0
filemode = true
bare = false
logallrefupdates = true
[branch "master"]
email =
name = SH
[remote "bb"]
url =
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/bb/*
pushurl =
[remote "github"]
url =
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/github/*
pushurl =
[remote "origin"]
url =
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
pushurl =
pushurl =
Adding the RedirectPermanent lines to .htaccess
in the root of, that now contains the following:
ErrorDocument 404 /404.html
ErrorDocument 403 /404.html
ErrorDocument 500 /500.html
RewriteRule ^wiki/(.*)$ /f/$1 [R=301,NC,L]
RewriteRule ^fiamma/(.*)$ /f/$1 [R=301,NC,L]
RedirectPermanent /d/dtb
RedirectPermanent /blog
Experimenting with rewriting everything except /f/
, seems to work except for the main page
RewriteEngine on
#RewriteRule (f) - [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/f
RewriteRule (.*)$1 [R=301,L]
It gets redirected to - maybe it chokes on the many weird characters or the repeat of
As per nfs docs 2, it’s very easily done just by running YourPrompt>
, and nfs takes care of all autorenewals, automatically sets up redirects etc. Awesome!
can do a countdown, count-..up?, and can work as a stopwatch. It outputs time remaining too.
A pizza dough recipe3 reminded me that
I have my vim macro for footnotes where it creates the [^..]
things and then I paste the URI manually, but what I’d actually like is something that automatically creates a footnote at current cursor position, and as content uses the URI currently in the clipboard register! TODO
(And also try to make it readable/interpretable this time)
To create a subdomain, you have to add it as “new” new domain and it takes care of everything, no magic with DNS records needed
Changed the zsh alias for it:
s () {task s project.not:w sprint.not:s "$*"}
Now on my non-work account, it shows non-work tasks from any sprint except “s” (which is a proxy of due:someday
Foreign Words (Fremdwörter) - really nice! Has specific suffixes and what genders they create in German. In general - I remember that excellent website.
Also: “das Thema, die Themen”) - which plural rule is that? TODO
Given that I need to push/pull it a lot now, I should exclude the generated .html files in .gitignore
opens the last closed window! … on the topic of ’learn well the tools you use daily'
Installed ding
! Still remains the best dictionary program ever.
ding buch
TODO - add keybinding to search for currently selected word. Or a basic prompt to quickly look for words, a la dtb - and that ideally adds the needed words to a list, and maybe even generates anki flashcards from them!
ding -m
to start it minimally, likely make it floating for i3 by class, is a really nice start. Added this to config:
## Ding float
bindsym $ms+Shift+d exec ding -m
for_window [class="Ding"] floating enable
(got class from xprop
If default automatic settings are too strong, these work well: redshift -xO 2500 -b 0.7
Couldn’t load noisetorch, error 127 when attempting to get the needed privileges. The help of Noisetorch said this means pksudo
doesn’t work, and to fix this. After some googling, found a solution:
apt install policykit-1-gnome
Then add
/usr/lib/policykit-1-gnome/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1 &
to your autostart configuration. 1
According to the docu it should be this, not working for me:
Somehow it magically worked before without any changes from my side actually. Anyway, this1 worked:
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
I can’t start everything from within i3 config. keynav
doesn’t work (though it’s running), and compton creates a black strip in the bottom monitor when started as exec compton
via i3. Though executing a startup script from within i3, a script starting everything else I need, somehow works. I remember dealing with this in the past, and this created the current chaotic setup.
Startup script (./s/
setxkbmap -option -option 'grp:rctrl_toggle, compose:rwin, compose:paus' v5,ruua
xmodmap ~/s/mod4
xcape -e 'Control_L=Escape' -t 100
autorandr -l home
feh --bg-center ~/s/bg.jpg ~/s/bg.jpg
i3 config startup script:
exec ~/s/
exec --no-startup-id redshift
exec --no-startup-id nm-applet
I had this, but it started too often by error.
:W sudo saves the file
" command W w !sudo tee % > /dev/null
Added this in a modified sh-trapd00r theme:
dir_status="%{$c1%}%* %B%7c/ %?"
PROMPT='%{$fg_bold[green]%}%p%{$reset_color%}${dir_status} ${ret_status}%{$reset_color%}
%{$fg_bold[green]%}> %{$reset_color%}'
as a way to manage sessions of logged in usersInstead of killing all processes belonging to someone, loginctl
will return all sessions, and loginctl kill-session $number
will log the user off!
Set my old Lain background with feh. I should look at some of my old i3 settings etc, to make it look different from the work one.
or screen
much better
etcxinput float ..
-ing every time(was curious about the name of a PPA)
Test config file:
- name: eDP-1
workspaces: [1, 0]
randr_extra_options: "--primary --mode 2560x1440"
- name: HDMI-2
workspaces: [2, 3, 4]
randr_extra_options: "--above eDP-1"
This is even better than the above: phillipberndt/autorandr: Auto-detect the connected display hardware and load the appropriate X11 setup using xrandr
It saves configs readably and automatically to ~/.config/autorandr/config
Very simple config:
gaps inner 10
gaps outer 10
Installed compton
to get transparent terminals.
Added this to kitty config:
background_opacity 0.8
When using public key and ssh for git, when you can’t use ssh-add ...
, this works:
GIT_SSH_COMMAND="ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa_example" git clone example
I can happily use plt.plot()
inside the <Alt-F8>
and debugger console windows, it’ll be shown!
Replace -user root
with source user, $USER
expands to user currently running command:
sudo find ~ -type d -user root -exec sudo chown -R $USER: {} +
In line with Day 784 about unmounting broken endpoints, yesterday I got a lot of errors (thunar
didn’t start, I blamed memory, but df -h
also didn’t start…), at the end the issue was with a sshfs directory:
fuse: bad mount point
./mountpoint’: Transport endpoint is not connected`
Using day 784 didn’t help, still got the above error. This helped:
fusermount -uz myserver
Also, TODO: Why doesn’t linking stuff like this work?
[Day 784]({% post_url 2021-02-23-day784.markdown %})
a is True
is false for a numpy array of one element a
, even if it’s value is True. a == True
works correctly. Why does this happen?
You can use the console not just to look for output, but to interact with the variables etc! Why didn’t I think of this before: Using Debug Console | PyCharm