In the middle of the desert you can say anything you want
I find the “Install pytorch” thing on the pytorch website really nice. You click things and it gives you a command.
Command Line Interface Guidelines - thank you AA “An open-source guide to help you write better command-line programs, taking traditional UNIX principles and updating them for the modern day.”
New strategy - use only German, look up any grammar stuff I have to, and add the things I have to look up to anki. (Just realized I’m googling whether it’s “dir passt” or “dich passt”, it’s 10/10 an use-case flashcards).
.. is really awesome! I should spend some time getting to know it. Example:
Broke log-in to an external server I have access to by attempting to use
ssh-copy-id me@server
, after which it still wanted my password but once inputted correctly didn’t start the shell. (Though showed the motd).
Unfurl | Definition of Unfurl by Merriam-Webster - “expand, extend, fan (out), flare (out), open, outspread, outstretch, spread (out), stretch (out), unfold”
Things I love so far:
das Teufelszeug - appalling/hellish/infernal stuff (heard at work)
I so missed this.
Adding to ~/.inputrc
this line:
set editing-mode vi
makes all readline programs use vi mode, including Python interactive console. Wow.
Alternatively, this apparently works too when typed into python console:
import readline
readline.parse_and_bind("set editing-mode vi")
ardagnir/athame: Full vim for your shell (bash, zsh, gdb, python, etc)
One can install it in place of the usual readline locally or globally.
Installed for zsh, now I can use ci(
bindings again!
In [Day732]({{site.baseurl}}{% link _posts/2021-01-02-day732.markdown %}), I changed my ./vimrc
to utf8 from latin-1, to be able to use the “◦
” symbol to mark trailing spaces.
Well, it broke the vim macros for the link wiki (from [Day 450]({{site.baseurl}}{% link _posts/2020-06-23-day540.markdown %})) :( I had the latin version of the .vimrc backed up, falling back to it for now.
I need to think of a way to save these macros better, because even copypasting them to this dtb didn’t work and I had to do text encoding magic. I think this is exactly the time one should use a proper scripting language like Python, and write another small qutebrowser script that changes the contents of the filled textarea.
links to pages, post_url
links directly to posts inside _posts
Link to pages:
{% link _collection/ %}
{{ site.baseurl }}{% link _collection/ %}
{{ site.baseurl }}{% link _posts/ %}
{{ site.baseurl }}{% link services/index.html %}
{{ site.baseurl }}{% link /assets/documents/pal-codes.pdf %}
Links to posts:
{% post_url %}
{{ site.baseurl }}{% post_url %}
{{ site.baseurl }}{% post_url /folder/ %}
Copied directly from this excellent page, I never found this explained in such a readable way: How to create internal links in Jekyll | Web Island Blog
Write a small script that allows me to easily link to days just by their day number.
Before URI contained the date and was hard to link to. Now I changed this in _config.yml
permalink: :title:output_ext
Links are now like this:
works for floats, but there’s no way to do it with int
s. math.inf
is also a float. 1
Made a typo, vim attempted to indent 20k lines (and started counting “xx lines to indent…”, intuitively pressed <Ctrl-C>
, it successfully interrupted the operation!
Simplified bindings for passthrogh, added last line to ~/.config/qutebrowser/
config.unbind('<Shift-Escape>', mode='passthrough')
config.bind('<Ctrl-Shift-+>', 'leave-mode', mode='passthrough')
config.bind('<Shift-I>', 'enter-mode passthrough')
Would allow me to use websites’ own shortcuts more often.
100 point check - Wikipedia (seen first here: I was a very happy FastMail customer until a hacker asked them to reset my passw… | Hacker News)
is like pickle
, but serializes more stuff!
Yet another way one can get the “no tests to run” error - if a test is not called test_...
, it won’t be ran.
It’s easy to do a sticky window in i3!
Added to ~/.config/i3/config
# Sticky window
bindsym $ms+p sticky toggle
Seaborn anonying facet title · Douglas C. Wu:
The set_titles(col_template='{col_name}')
removes the usual “x=y” title in each of the sub-plots!