In the middle of the desert you can say anything you want
WKD - Matsuo Basho Archives: - Timeline -:
1662 or 1663 寛文二年
His first known hokku at age 19:春や来し年や行きけん小晦日
haru ya koshi toshi ya yukiken kotsugomori
has spring come
or has the year gone?
Tr. Barnhillwhat is spring that came
or was it the year that went?
the Second Last Day
Tr. UedaIst das Frühjahr gekommen
oder das Jahr vergangen?
Der vorletzte Tag.
Tr. Udo Wenzel
The Ukrainian translation seems imprecise, but still remains my favourite: Аніяких думок не лишилось в моїй голові наприкінці року!
Чи вже про весну, чи про минулий рік думати? Передостанній день року.
Переклад Геннадія Туркова
Послание к Римлянам 13:4 – Рим 13:4:
ибо начальник есть Божий слуга, тебе на добро. Если же делаешь зло, бойся, ибо он не напрасно носит меч: он Божий слуга, отмститель в наказание делающему злое.
Послание к Римлянам 13:4 – Рим 13:4:
Updated zsh alias to include non-work tasks tagged +A
or +O
from current sprint:
s () {task s \(project:w or \(sprint:$(date +%-V) \(+A or +O\)\) \) "$*"}
has to be lowercase, brackets in taskwarrior’s filtering have to be escaped.
Use a formula like this:
=IMPORTRANGE("", "Sheet1!A:A")
For me it was ;
as separator; may need to confirm connecting sheets.
Changed colour of +F tasks to a better shade of gray in .taskrc
# color.tag.F=color239
curl -s | bash
(yay for curl | bash
)TODO - all German IT words in one place, and add them to Anki
Structural search and replace examples—IntelliJ IDEA is neat! Templates are like this:
Note the “target”, usually it’s set to a complete match, but by call and by params exists too.
I had to disable ideavim, because it was doing some weird formatting by itself with brakets and indents that broke checkstyle.
Filters are also important - $params$
will catch only what.function("one")
, but won’t what.function(one, two)
- had to change count to be [1, +inf]. (1, not 0, because I needed to avoid replacing what.function()
“Expression cannot be replaced by non-expression” - if you add a ;
at the end of the template, it’s an expression now, and the replacement also needs a ;
works! 1
A bigger one that makes checkstyle happy is assert true;
It’s possible not to use quotes if have just escaped stuff.
grep "\"Thinker"
== grep \"Thinker
After finding a weird error in PIL, found this: Decompression bomb protection · Issue #515 · python-pillow/Pillow
Zip-bombs live on and prosper it seems :)
is a little neat program that first scans all the subdirectories of the current one and returns a nice visual navigable list.
to delete selected folder, ?
for help.
zip -r ./ -x 'unscoped/*'
is a regex of files to exclude. 1
dankbare aufgabe - “rewarding task”
diff -rq folder1 folder2
diffs contents of files inside the two folders.
daff diff can accept a -d parameter giving an epsilon, changes of numbers smaller than eps won’t be shown in the diff!
screen -r
seems to accept not just the full name of the screen to attach, but even just the first letters!