In the middle of the desert you can say anything you want
(Also used in input of some other internal tools) They are: 1
Range Meaning
1.0 x >= 1.0 * The default Maven meaning for 1.0 is everything (,) but with 1.0 recommended. Obviously this doesn't work for enforcing versions here, so it has been redefined as a minimum version.
(,1.0] x <= 1.0
(,1.0) x < 1.0
[1.0] x == 1.0
[1.0,) x >= 1.0
(1.0,) x > 1.0
(1.0,2.0) 1.0 < x < 2.0
[1.0,2.0] 1.0 <= x <= 2.0
(,1.0],[1.2,) x <= 1.0 or x >= 1.2. Multiple sets are comma-separated
(,1.1),(1.1,) x != 1.1
literal_eval - ast - Python documentation - Kite
Safely evaluates Python expressions, nice to use for input.
may only consist of the following Python literal structures: strings, numbers, tuples, lists, dicts, booleans, and None.
To pipe output with jq
to for example less
preserving the colours, use -C
. (Simialar to --color=always
jq . $filename -C | less
The script that sets dev/prod sets a variable to 1 if using dev. Based on that variable I get (or not) a red (B) in my zsh prompt.
Did these changes to the theme clean2.zsh-theme
PROMPT='%{$fg[green]%}(%*/%!)$ZSH_USING_DEV%{$fg[$NCOLOR]%}%B%b%{$reset_color%}%{$fg[blue]%}%B%5c/%b%{$reset_color%} $(git_prompt_info)%(!.#.$) '
if [ "$USING_DEV" = "1" ]
and in ~/.zsrhc
alias uc='. ~/s/ p'
alias ud='. ~/s/ d'
Using the usual ./
way doesn’t work!
Note the . ~/s..
in the script above.
Running it as ~/
will create a new shell, export the new values there, and close it. Starting with a .
will make it run the script without starting a new shell. 1
“Publish without notifying watchers” exits.
If I paste something from vim that has tabs in it in a Code block, in the Edit window it will look fine, but won’t at the end. Editing again will make it again look fine in the edit window. Moral: use spaces.
If you copypaste things from it to code blocks in jira/confluence it will start being weird. You can do expandtabs/retab to convert it to something that looks just like this with spaces when saved. Though feels suboptimal.
If I have a laptop and two external monitors, put the ‘distracting’ things on the laptop monitor and close the laptop. Open it when I’m officially doing a pause.
I shouldn’t forget that I have g
aliased to grep
, along with h
to history | grep
Just tried this and it works:
h vim | g http
Added this 1 to ./zshrc
expand-aliases() {
unset 'functions[_expand-aliases]'
(($+functions[_expand-aliases])) &&
BUFFER=${functions[_expand-aliases]#$'\t'} &&
zle -N expand-aliases
bindkey '^E' expand-aliases
is <C-e>
. Gets run anytime I use it, without connection to the written text. Neat.
Also found this in ./.zshrc
# Usage:
# In the middle of the command line:
# (command being typed)<TAB>(resume typing)
# At the beginning of the command line:
# Notes:
# This does not affect other completions
# If you want 'cd ' or './' to be prepended, write in your .zshrc 'export TAB_LIST_FILES_PREFIX'
# I recommend to complement this with push-line-or edit (bindkey '^q' push-line-or-edit)
function tab_list_files
if [[ $#BUFFER == 0 ]]; then
BUFFER="ls "
zle list-choices
zle backward-kill-word
elif [[ $BUFFER =~ ^[[:space:]][[:space:]].*$ ]]; then
zle list-choices
[ -z ${TAB_LIST_FILES_PREFIX+x} ] && { BUFFER=" "; CURSOR=2; }
elif [[ $BUFFER =~ ^[[:space:]]*$ ]]; then
BUFFER="cd "
zle list-choices
[ -z ${TAB_LIST_FILES_PREFIX+x} ] && { BUFFER=" "; CURSOR=1; }
zle expand-or-complete || zle expand-or-complete || {
BUFFER="ls "
zle list-choices
zle -N tab_list_files
bindkey '^I' tab_list_files
gives a list of files in the directory, and space-space-tab at the beginning of the line too. <C-q>
). More about it here: TIL: save half-typed commands in bash and zsh « Serge Gebhardt ( TL;DR remove command currently being edited and paste it at the next Return.
Seen in the wild at work: ASAPST - like ASAP, but even more urgent. 1
Just found this hack: if the program you want to use doesn’t pick the right camera and you can’t control that through settings, open another program that will use the wrong camera - the first program will pick the first free camera, the one you want.
Didn’t know that underline is marked +like this+
. Why can’t we just agree on a flavour of markdown :(
Changed my main dtb log file from using spaces to using tabs. 1
:set tabstop=2 " To match the sample file
:set noexpandtab " Use tabs, not spaces
:%retab! " Retabulate the whole file
Added set listchars=tab:\:\
to vimrc. NB space at the end.
When trying to do this: find | grep \/model | grep descr | xargs vim -p
it opens all files in different tabs as wanted, but breaks the terminal afterwards (need to reset
Sometimes I see it and randomly restart and somehow it goes away, today it didn’t.
The usual ‘Invalidate Caches & Restart’ didn’t fix it for me. BUT I had forgotten to annotate it as @Test
Other ideas about this from StackOverflow: 1
Uses asterisks, not indentation.
* I am a bullet point
** I am related to the first one
Didn’t notice it before, but Idea shows the beginning condition of the loop when it’s outside the screen and cursor is on it’s closing braket.
Write something that: a) pastes multiline things automatically at the correct indentation b) copies URIs alone, without leading tabs/spaces. As a bonus - copies only the URI at a certain line without anything else. (I believe I can use kitty for this too, need to look into hints again)