In the middle of the desert you can say anything you want
!Bernard Moitessier’s tomb is Bernard Moitessier’s tomb.
… though most of this is helpfully configurable in ideavim; esp:
map <leader>b :action GotoDeclaration<CR>
1 for “go to declaration”, which is <Alt+B>
in vanilla ideavim. I should track things I use my mouse for most often and replace them with ideavim shortcuts.
Nice that I don’t have to use BIOS for this. <Fn+Esc>
disables Fn key functionality.
is currently Spacebar. ↩︎
I read Black On Red: My 44 Years Inside The Soviet Union, a book by Robert Robinson, An African-American who lived in Detroit during the Depression. I had to read it again, for it is about as gripping an autobiography as one can find.
$wgFileExtensions = [
'png', 'gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg',
The small “play” symbols to the left on some classes can be run w/ <C-S-F10>
if cursor is on them currently.
Java label? Outer, middle, inner - Stack Overflow
for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < 100; j++) {
if (i % 20 == 0) {
break someLabel;
Used to tell break
.. which loop to act on.
Calling your example classes as something that might be interpreted as a keyword of the language you are writing a tutorial about is a bad idea. (Outer
here: Java Nested Classes)
Java Collections Tutorial is a really nice tutorial by the author of the other java really nice tutorial I’ve been following.
python - True or false output based on a probability - Stack Overflow mentions a really neat idea:
def decision(probability):
return random.random() < probability
TODO finally read the man page and learn to use it right, esp. splitting; look at history for the usual things I do manually (esp. moving back starting time)
In my daily file, I need a better vim shortcut not to move lines to the very bottom, but to the beginning of the following day (===
), should be easy - TODO
So here’s a nice difference w/ Python - in Python, you can set breakpoints everywhere, and you can add something random after the line you want to look at if it’s the last line of the function. In java, I assume some pointless lines are optimized away or considered uninteresting, but you can set a breakpoint to the }
bracket and the end of the function if it’s on a line alone.
(Have yet to find a way to nicely output multiple values in the debugger though.)
What I could do in Python with 2, 3, 'test', function()
I can do in Java by returning an array or whatever, with
Object[] t = {1, 3, 5, "whatever"}
Which is nicely covered by this Live template:
Object[] t = {
that I run via exe<Tab>
Did a lot of python, pandas, jupyter and enjoyed it so much that did not write any of the things I learned here, now they are lost forever. :‘C
Sonderurlaub: Anspruch bei Hochzeit, Todesfall & Umzug | - doesn’t get counted in the the number of days for ‘usual’ vacations.
The copied link was:,-Die%20Entscheidung%2C%20den&text=Zwar%20erw%C3%A4hnt%20%C2%A7%20616%20BGB%20die%20Hochzeit%20nicht%20ausdr%C3%BCcklich%20als%20Freistellungsgrund.&text=Nicht%20nur%20f%C3%BCr%20die%20eigene,Die%20Silberhochzeit%20(25.)
which of course broke the Markdown. TODO update ym
qutebrowser keybinding to remove stuff starting with … #:~:
Things that I selected with vim keybindings can be copypasted with usual qutebrowser keybindings (or mouse).
You can do it if you go in the find-and-replace dialog. Checkbox -> search all
.. is surprisingly hard and implementation-dependant. You can always iterate and look for the not-matched things. [^aeo]
doesn’t really work for capturing groups.
I should really rewrite my timer function to be a) Python, b) better than the current version.
# Timer in zsh
tm() {
local DATE=$(date +'%H:%M:%S %d/%m')
local N="$1"; shift
(utimer -c > ~/s/sounds/outbash $N && mpg123 -q ~/s/sounds/tib.mp3 &
zenity --info --title="Time's Up" --text="${*:-BING} \n\n $DATE")
seeing minutes as m
while everyone else (timew
especially) wanting minutes as min
makes me crazy.
I can remove the tree of files by doubleclicking the tabs!
gives a nice choice of things to paste, first thing being the current content of the buffer. The others I assume are historical.