In the middle of the desert you can say anything you want
The small “play” symbols to the left on some classes can be run w/ <C-S-F10>
if cursor is on them currently.
Java label? Outer, middle, inner - Stack Overflow
for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < 100; j++) {
if (i % 20 == 0) {
break someLabel;
Used to tell break
.. which loop to act on.
Calling your example classes as something that might be interpreted as a keyword of the language you are writing a tutorial about is a bad idea. (Outer
here: Java Nested Classes)
Java Collections Tutorial is a really nice tutorial by the author of the other java really nice tutorial I’ve been following.
python - True or false output based on a probability - Stack Overflow mentions a really neat idea:
def decision(probability):
return random.random() < probability
TODO finally read the man page and learn to use it right, esp. splitting; look at history for the usual things I do manually (esp. moving back starting time)
In my daily file, I need a better vim shortcut not to move lines to the very bottom, but to the beginning of the following day (===
), should be easy - TODO
So here’s a nice difference w/ Python - in Python, you can set breakpoints everywhere, and you can add something random after the line you want to look at if it’s the last line of the function. In java, I assume some pointless lines are optimized away or considered uninteresting, but you can set a breakpoint to the }
bracket and the end of the function if it’s on a line alone.
(Have yet to find a way to nicely output multiple values in the debugger though.)
What I could do in Python with 2, 3, 'test', function()
I can do in Java by returning an array or whatever, with
Object[] t = {1, 3, 5, "whatever"}
Which is nicely covered by this Live template:
Object[] t = {
that I run via exe<Tab>
Did a lot of python, pandas, jupyter and enjoyed it so much that did not write any of the things I learned here, now they are lost forever. :‘C
Sonderurlaub: Anspruch bei Hochzeit, Todesfall & Umzug | - doesn’t get counted in the the number of days for ‘usual’ vacations.
The copied link was:,-Die%20Entscheidung%2C%20den&text=Zwar%20erw%C3%A4hnt%20%C2%A7%20616%20BGB%20die%20Hochzeit%20nicht%20ausdr%C3%BCcklich%20als%20Freistellungsgrund.&text=Nicht%20nur%20f%C3%BCr%20die%20eigene,Die%20Silberhochzeit%20(25.)
which of course broke the Markdown. TODO update ym
qutebrowser keybinding to remove stuff starting with … #:~:
Things that I selected with vim keybindings can be copypasted with usual qutebrowser keybindings (or mouse).
You can do it if you go in the find-and-replace dialog. Checkbox -> search all
.. is surprisingly hard and implementation-dependant. You can always iterate and look for the not-matched things. [^aeo]
doesn’t really work for capturing groups.
I should really rewrite my timer function to be a) Python, b) better than the current version.
# Timer in zsh
tm() {
local DATE=$(date +'%H:%M:%S %d/%m')
local N="$1"; shift
(utimer -c > ~/s/sounds/outbash $N && mpg123 -q ~/s/sounds/tib.mp3 &
zenity --info --title="Time's Up" --text="${*:-BING} \n\n $DATE")
seeing minutes as m
while everyone else (timew
especially) wanting minutes as min
makes me crazy.
I can remove the tree of files by doubleclicking the tabs!
gives a nice choice of things to paste, first thing being the current content of the buffer. The others I assume are historical.
In Tabs Config you can select a small font for them and move them to the left instead of top.
I had two projects, one used code from the other one. The other one is also compiled jars gotten via maven. Had an issue that it used the maven one instead of the manually imported one I wanted it to use, even though Ctrl+Click took me to the ‘right’ directory with the files I wanted it to see.
Sorted out via Project Structure -> Modules -> $modulename -> dependencies, where I deleted the maven one and pointed it to the imported folder/project
People seem to have a naïve view of what “cured” means: someone “gets sick”, is treated, and then returns to the status quo ante. Thus there is little concern about catching the disease (or any disease) when you are not in an “at risk” group.
But hospital discharge just means the treatment you get stops being worth the time/money. Ideally you finish convalescing at home. But any consequential damage isn’t ignored, as if you just had had a dented panel replaced on your car.
Once I understood this error some of the discussion about dealing with the virus made sense.1