In the middle of the desert you can say anything you want
keybindingAdded config.bind('tg', 'set-cmd-text -s :tab-give')
to qutebrowser
. set-cmd-text
is nice, -s
means add space to the end, and now I know more about qutebrowser modes in general - for example, I can do keybindings even while I’m inserting a :command
. The further it goes the more I love qutebrowser.
Debug tool window - Help | IntelliJ IDEA
If I click and the Debugger pane disappears, Alt+5
makes it appear again in the previous state.
compressed files with zcat
This is very nice: zcat auth.log.3.gz
lenovo - 18.10: how to set system default webcam? - Ask Ubuntu
mv /dev/video0 /dev/video0.original
ln -s /dev/video2 /dev/video0
How to Make Yourself Into a Learning Machine - Superorganizers - fascinating practical use of the Zettelkasten method, amongst other things - don’t have time for this now but I will read it later. + Using Anki to Remember Everything You Read | Hacker News as my source.
Adding to this:
that automatically escapes things like |
Everytime I call
it does NOT reset the weights, DOES reset the hidden states (such as RNN/LSTM), does NOT reset optimizer settings. machine learning - re-initialises the weights - Stack Overflow
If I want to reset them, keras.backend.clear_session()
should clear the info from the previous model.
Geburtsname: Vorname oder Nachname - Das versteht man darunter - FOCUS Online
Müssen Sie in einem Formular Ihren Geburtsnamen angeben, handelt es sich um Ihren Nachnamen, den Sie bei Ihrer Geburt erhalten haben. Sofern Sie nicht geheiratet und den Namen Ihres Ehemanns oder Ihrer Ehefrau angenommen oder eine Namensänderung beantragt haben, können Sie hier Ihren aktuellen Nachnamen angeben.
[ $[$RANDOM % 10] = 0 ] && do_this || do_that
“s gives roughly a 1 in 10 chance of do_this
running, and a 9 in 10 chance of do_that
running. You can omit ||
to just have a 10 percent chance of do_this
running.” (seen here: Clear Your Terminal in Style - Adam.)
The vim vim-easymotion plugin (easymotion/vim-easymotion: Vim motions on speed!) also works in select/visual mode!
EDIT: there’s an intellij idea plugin! Just wow
I’m very very very glad about this, this is one thing that I missed from vim! AlexPl292/IdeaVim-EasyMotion: EasyMotion emulation plugin for IdeaVim
To activate I had to add set easymotion
after setting the leader key in .ideavimrc
I just to not-forget about it.
Python ‘No module named’ error; ‘package’ is not a package - Stack Overflow TL;DR Beware of conflicting filenames.
I keep getting bitten by this - if I have a folder called something
and inside it something called
and want to import something from the folder, it will take something
to mean
instead of the folder.
Quoting the most helpful answer:
I was using the same name for both a sub-package (directory) and a module (file) within it.
For example I had this:
/opt/mylib/myapi /opt/mylib/myapi/ /opt/mylib/myapi/ # gitignored file for user/pass /opt/mylib/myapi/ # base module, load creds and connect /opt/mylib/myapi/ # call and do work
The script ‘’ imports credentials from via this statement:
from myapi.myapi_creds import my_user, my_pass Testing the module '' resulted in this error: $ ./ Traceback (most recent call last): File "./", line 12, in <module> from myapi.myapi_creds import my_user, my_pass File "/opt/mylib/myapi/", line 12, in <module> from myapi.myapi_creds import my_user, my_pass ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'myapi.myapi_creds'; 'myapi' is not a package
The solution was to rename
so it’s name does not collide with the sub-package name.
Is there a way to put code blocks in block quotes? - Meta Stack Overflow
TL;DR Code is indented four spaces, but inside a quote (>
) they have to be indented five spaces.
dingbat - Wiktionary - crazy person - typographical ornament (like arrows) - small device/gadget the correct term for which is forgotten/unknown
scipy.stats.normaltest — SciPy v1.4.1 Reference Guide - function returns amongst other things p-value that the sample comes from a normal distribution.
in dataset.shuffle()
It affects how random the shuffle is. A buffer size of 1 would not shuffle at all, one bigger than the dataset would be perfect. It’s basically the size of the randomly created bucket from which we pick the next element.
What is the difference between setting run_eagerly
while compiling a tf.keras model vs setting it after compilation vs tf.config.experimental_run_functions_eagerly(True)
As of Di 03 Mär 2020 17:11:47 CETA, it seems saving weights both in .h5 format and tf format is broken. For TF format, [TF2.0] Bug when saving weights with custom layers · Issue #26811 · tensorflow/tensorflow, you should use .h5
; For .h5
, Tensorflow 2.x seems to use the same names of Variables if they are unnamed, which creates conflicts when saving. The fix is to name all the variables: Custom layer weights all have the same name by default · Issue #36650 · tensorflow/tensorflow
This paper: Zinc for the common cold—not if, but when says that it’s conclusive evidence that it helps at <24h after the start and that it reduces the risk of colds. I’m not sure I understand what’s the right dose though
Added this to
config.bind('<Ctrl-I>', 'download-clear')
can be replaced by pro:myproject
Updated the layout to output 10 posts in full and 10 as links on the first page, instead of the previous 3/7.
See the writing on the wall - Idioms by The Free Dictionary — “To notice and interpret apparent signs or indications that something will or is about to happen in the future, especially something bad or unfortunate.”, “To know something is about to happen”. Found here.
Spent a lot of time understanding why do i3 and my mouse and Intellij Idea not work, fix was removing the headphones that were pressing a mouse button on the laptop.
NLP — BERT & Transformer - Jonathan Hui - Medium is probably the best explanation of the Transformer and BERT I’ve even seen.
Implement Fill Paragraph for coments · Issue #2737 · intellij-rust/intellij-rust
This is fascinating problem, originally solved by Knuth himself, and a primarily example of dynamic programming: However interesting the problem might be, I’d rather my IDE solved it, and not me :-)
TODO - read it sometime maybe, I’ve skimmed through it and it looks very interesting.
Predictably to remove a keybinding imported from .vimrc
in .ideavimrc
the usual syntax is used:
unmap <C-h>
The vim shortcut ''
works in ideavim as well!
It’d be nice to have fixed values (and especially dimensions!) for my tensors that I use for testing stuff such as layers. If my input tensors’ dimensions are predictable, like [10, 9, 8, ...]
for each dimension, I’d be able to recognize them immediately at various stages without having to think about it. For a level up, I can consider for example Fibonacci numbers or similar, that have different divisors, so that the program will fail early and predictably if I do something wrong.
Otherwise I kinda like the approach of Tensor Considered Harmful, especially the part where dimensions have human-readable names.
TIL: Jour fixe ist ein in einer kleinen Gruppe von Personen fest vereinbarter, regelmäßig wiederkehrender Termin (Regeltermin), zum Beispiel „jeder zweite Donnerstag im Monat“. In der Arbeitswelt wird zu diesem Regeltermin meist eine Besprechung durchgeführt.
7. Documenting Python — Python Developer’s Guide is something I can try to follow. PEP 287 – reStructuredText Docstring Format | has more examples.
Getting permanent links to files - GitHub Help tells me to press y
for the URI to update to the permanent link to that version of the file.
Ideavim search seems “smart” by default, ignores case unless I use case in my search.
Ambient Sleeping Pill – Internet Radio for Sleep, Meditation & Relaxation is what it says it is. Background music is okay. “For sleep, meditation or study”. Nice alternative to
I had two modules, both marked as source roots, with conflicting subfolder names. It could not find modules inside the second folder. Right click → Unload modules helped; I could unload the conflicting module, after this it happily started importing the files from the second source root. This is a band-aid fix but for now it works; TODO later find out a better way to solve these problems.
If not, there are always uglier hacks like sys.path.extend(['folder_marked_as_source_root_that_doesn't_seem_to_get_added_to_$PATH'])
An interactive shell can be used during debugging in intellij idea! See Interactive console during debug? – IDEs Support (IntelliJ Platform) | JetBrains
Cannot export Keras model TypeError: (‘Not JSON Serializable:’, b’\n…’) · Issue #27112 · tensorflow/tensorflow - yet another reason to use Keras’ own methods. tf.concat -> tf.keras.layers.Concatenate etc etc etc.
machine learning - How to load only specific weights on Keras - Stack Overflow
If your first 9 layers are consistently named between your original trained model and the new model, then you can use
. This will update weights only in the layers of your new model that have an identically named layer found in the original trained model.