In the middle of the desert you can say anything you want
Wordpress-Backups mit der WordPress-CLI – emsgold:
# check if upgrading is needed
wp core check-update
wp plugin status
wp theme status
# DB
wp db export
# the entire website files
touch backupname.tar.gz
tar --exclude=backupname.tar.gz -vczf backupname.tar.gz .
Was looking for a way to do this but it’s part of the batteries included: Pluralsight Tech Blog | Python CLI Utilities with Poetry and Typer
If you define run points in the pyproject.toml
up_get_uris = "up_crawler.get_uris:main"
up_crawl_uris = "up_crawler.bs_oop:main"
up_run = "up_crawler.__main__:main"
up_convert = "up_crawler.up_reader:main"
Then once you install the package you built with poetry build
elsewhere, these commands will be registered as cli commands, and then you’ll be able to just run up_run --help
and it’ll work!
I come back to the topic every once in awhile, but this time How To Use Pytest Logging And Print To Console And File (A Comprehensive Guide) | Pytest With Eric gave me the only solution I’ll ever need:
poetry run pytest --log-cli-level=INFO
which works as-is without any additional packages etc.
jd/tenacity: Retrying library for Python1:
from tenacity import (
# ...
stop=stop_after_attempt(10), # Maximum number of retries
wait=wait_exponential(multiplier=1, min=1, max=60), # Exponential backoff
before_sleep=before_sleep_log(logger, logging.INFO),
def do_basic_uri_ops_when_crawling(
# ...
Related: 231207-1529 requests and urllib3 exceptions adventures
This is much better than the various retrying mechanisms in requests (e.g. needing session adapters: Handling Retries in Python Requests – Majornetwork), and likely better than most reinvented wheels (231206-1722 Overengineered solution to retrying and exceptions in python).
I decided that I should go back to the digital garden roots of this, and use this note as a small journey of conceptual/high-level things that I believe would make me a better programmer.
And that I’ll re-read this every time I think of something to add here.
The master thesis has given me ample occasions to find out about these things, and will give me ample occasions to use them before it’s over. Just like with dashes (231205-1311 Notes from paper review#Hyphens vs dashes (em-dash, en-dash)), practiced enough it will stick.
(the post that started this page)
After refactoring my third program to use OOP this quarter, this be the wisdom:
(Unless threads/parallelism, then it means think harder).
Context: UPCrawler & GBIF downloader
TL;DR: downloading bits and writing to disk each is sometimes better than to keep them in a dataframe-like-ish structure that gets written to disk in bulk. And the presence of a file on disk can be signal enough about its state, making separate data structures tracking that unneeded.
When downloading something big and of many parts, my first instinct is/was to put it into pretty dataclasses-like structures, (maybe serializable through JSONWizard), collect it and write it down.
If I think I need some intermediate results, I’d do checkpoints or something similar, usually in an ugly function of the dataframe class to do file handling etc.
Often one can download the individual bit and write it to disk, maybe inside a folder. Then a check of whether it has been downloaded would be literally a check if the file exists, making them self-documenting in a small way.
(And generally - previously I had this when writing certain converters and the second worst thing I have written in my life - I’d have dataclasses with kinds of data and separate boolean fields with has_X_data
and stuff. I could have just used whether the data fields are None
to signify if they are there or not instead of …that.)
Doing it like that makes they can happily be parallelized or whatever, downloaded separately.
In the UPCrawler, I was blocked by the need to add to each article a language-independent tag, that was an URI and one to two translations. I wanted to get the entire chunk, gather all translations of tags from them, label the chunks correctly, then serialize.
This is idiotic if I can just download the articles with the info I have to disk and then run a separate script to gather all tags from them and do this. (Or I can gather the tags in parallel while this is happening but don’t let the need to complete it block my download)
Context: UPCrawler; a pattern I’ve been noticing.
First I crawled and prased pages like Архив 26 сентября 2023 года | Украинская правда to get the URI of the articles published on that day, did permutations of the URI to get the other languages if any, and got the list of URIs of articles to crawl.
Yesterday I realized that UPravda has sitemaps:, and that I can use something like advtools
to nicely parse them, and advtools gave me back the data as a pandas DataFrame — leading me to the insight that I can analyze parse regex etc. the uris using pandas. Including things like groupby article ID to give me immediately the 1..3 translations of that article. Instead of me needing to track it inside a (guess what) datastructure based on dataclasses.
This inspired me to look for better solutions of another problem plaguing me - tags, with their UK and RU translations.
I thought maybe I could check if the website has a nice listing of all existing tags. And of course it does: Теги | Украинская правда
Make an effort — really, an effort - to look at the forest, and for each problem think if there’s an easier way to do that than the one I started implementing without thinking. Including whether there are already structures in place I know about but from other contexts.
I learned to look for solutions inside python stdlib, remembering about this at the right moments should be easy as well.
A lot of my code is more complex than needed, and to heavy for its own good/purpose. Connected to the above: think (draw? architect?) of a good design before I start writing the code. A sound structure from the beginning will remove many of the corner cases that end up in ugly code to maintain.
In the context of 240118-1516 RU interference masterarbeit task embeddings mapping, especially given that the models take a while to load.
8. Errors and Exceptions — Python 3.12.0 documentation:
... raise TypeError('bad type')
... except Exception as e:
... e.add_note('Add some information')
... e.add_note('Add some more information')
... raise
A function deep down can raise the exception, then a function higher up can catch it and add more details (uri returns 404 -> when downloading image $image we got a 404).
This solves so many conceptual problems I’ve been having!
is only one of them: MediaType (GBIF Parsers 0.62-SNAPSHOT API)image/jpeg
mime type:’t find a proper list, but one can always jq
> curl\?taxonKey\=4\&limit\=300 | jq -C | grep "format.*image" | sort | uniq
"format": "image/gif",
"format": "image/jpeg",
"format": "image/png",
"": "image/gif",
"": "image/jpeg",
"": "image/png",
If I’m looking at this, the tenacity library post for retrying may be relevant as well (todo link).
So, TIL:
from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError, HTTPError
from urllib3.exceptions import ProtocolError, NameResolutionError, MaxRetryError
exceptions docs: Developer Interface — Requests 2.31.0 documentation
exceptions: Exceptions and Warnings - urllib3 2.1.0 documentation
TODO: Interaction between MaxRetryError <-> other urllib3 errors - who raises whom, and what does requests do with it (I think raising a ConnectionError but am not sure)
class LoggingFilter(logging.Filter):
def filter(self, record):
if "Connection pool is full" in record.getMessage():
return False
logger_cpool = logging.getLogger("urllib3.connectionpool")
, then the record is silenced, otherwise it gets logged normally.logrecord.message
but I didn’t have it in my case (todo), but I found getMessage()
.How to list all existing loggers using python.logging module - Stack Overflow:
import logging
loggers = [logging.getLogger(name) for name in logging.root.manager.loggerDict]
warnings — Warning control — Python 3.12.0 documentation:
import warnings
def fxn():
warnings.warn("deprecated", DeprecationWarning)
with warnings.catch_warnings():
logging — Logging facility for Python — Python 3.12.0 documentation
# capture is True for enabling, False for disabling
# all warnings will become logs from logger 'py.warnings' with severity WARN
Goal: retry running function X times max Scenario: networking-ish issues
Solution: I came up with the thing below. It gets an optional list of acceptable exception types, and retries N times every time it gets one of them. As soon as it gets an unacceptable exception it passes it further. As soon as the function runs successfully it returns the function’s return value.
Can repeat infinite times and can consider all exceptions acceptable if both params are given empty or None.
from urllib3.exceptions import ProtocolError
from functools import partial
from itertools import count
from typing import Optional
def _try_n_times(fn, n_times: Optional[int]=3, acceptable_exceptions: Optional[tuple] =(ProtocolError, )):
""" Try function X times before giving up.
- retry N times if fn fails with an acceptable exception
- raise immediately any exceptions not inside acceptable_exceptions
- if n_times is falsey will retry infinite times
- if acceptable_exceptions is falsey, all exceptions are acceptable
- after n<n_times retries the return value of the first successdful run of fn
- first unacceptable exceptions if acceptable_exceptions is not empty
- last exception raised by fn after too many retries
fn: callable to run
n_times: how many times, 0 means infinite
acceptable_exceptions: iterable of exceptions classes after which retry
empty/None means all exceptions are OK
TODO: if this works, integrate into load image/json as well (or increase
the number of retries organically) for e.g. NameResolutionErrors
and similar networking/connection issues
last_exc = None
for time in range(n_times) if n_times else count(0):
# Try running the function and save output
# break if it worked
if time>0:
logger.debug(f"Running fn {time=}")
res = fn()
except Exception as e:
# If there's an exception, raise bad ones otherwise continue the loop
if acceptable_exceptions and e.__class__ not in acceptable_exceptions:
logger.error(f"Caught {e} not in {acceptable_exceptions=}, so raising")
logger.debug(f"Caught acceptable {e} our {time}'th time, continuing")
last_exc = e
# If loop went through without a single break it means fn always failed
# we raise the last exception
logger.error(f"Went through {time} acceptable exceptions, all failed, last exception was {last_exc}")
raise last_exc
# Return whatever fn returned on its first successful run
return res
The main bit here was that I didn’t want to use any magic values that might conflict with whatever the function returns (if I get a None/False how can I know it wasn’t the function without ugly complex magic values?)
The main insight here is the else
clause w/ break
is run as fn()
and partial
is a good way to generate them
EDIT: (ty CH) you can also just declare a function, lol