In the middle of the desert you can say anything you want
Ausstattung für die erste eigene Wohnung - Checkliste is a nice checklist :)
When you do
annotation_pred = tf.to_float(tf.argmax(out, dimension=4, name='prediction'))
, you get an index of the max value in your tensor. This index can’t be derivated, thus the gradient can’t flow throught this operation.So as your loss is only defined by this value, and the gradient can’t flow throught it, no gradient can be calculated for your network.
Argmax is okay if I don’t calculate my loss through it.
The ellipsis (three dots) indicates “as many ‘:’ as needed” This makes it easy to manipulate only one dimension of an array, letting numpy do array-wise operations over the “unwanted” dimensions. You can only really have one ellipsis in any given indexing expression, or else the expression would be ambiguous about how many ‘:’ should be put in each.
Outlook. What is the meaning of “AW” in an email header? – AW == RE in most other languages
Added the following to .ideavimrc
map <leader>c :action EditorToggleCase<CR>
Using ‘categorical_crossentropy’ instead of ‘sparse_categorical_crossentropy’, give weird unintuitive errors
This is a really nice tutorial with the basics that’s not too basic: Sequence Tagging with Tensorflow
So I don’t forget, Metrics ignored when using model.add_loss()
(like in VAE example) · Issue #9459 · keras-team/keras · GitHub currently happens.
It supports the following :set
commands: ideavim/ at master · JetBrains/ideavim · GitHub. Especially relativenumbers
is nice.
Ctrl + ww
for quickly changing between splits.:source ~/.ideavimrc
works.apt-get purge
and zshzsh does its own wildcard stuff, and apt-get purge nvidia*
doesn’t work because of this. apt-get purge nvidia\*
does (or with ‘’s). Same story as with scp, I’m surprised I keep having issues with this.
contains the last one and the rotated gzipped old ones.Google has nice animations for this!
I’ll be following this: 9.1. Attention Mechanism — Dive into Deep Learning 0.7 documentation
statementUsingAssertionsEffectively - Python Wiki
assert condition, message
-> if condition
is false, it returns an AssertionError
Most of this while I’m reading the “Attention is all you need” paper. The most important resources will be The Illustrated Transformer – Jay Alammar – Visualizing machine learning one concept at a time and 9.3. Transformer — Dive into Deep Learning 0.7 documentation.
Induction, deriving the function from the given data. Deduction, deriving the values of the given function for points of interest. Transduction, deriving the values of the unknown function for points of interest from the given data.
[^swa] (3 subword algorithms help to improve your NLP model performance)
Anaphora: * Repetition of something (rhetoric) * Pronouns and references to something already mentioned to avoid repetition (she, it, etc.)