In the middle of the desert you can say anything you want
To exclude tasks of a certain project, the syntax for the filter is project.not:projectname
Also added a new report for tasks which will never be finished – anki, cleaning, basic org etc., but that I still want to track with timewarrior. t m
now returns me all such tasks.
I find myself grepping through the raw file, I might build a script to do that for me. But I often need to find a word with the condition that it’s the first thing on a line, instead as partof a bigger sentence.
helps. /^Dru
gives me the lines which start with “Dru”.
d3b 70% Mon 25 Feb 2019 12:16:05 PM CET d3b 79% Mon 25 Feb 2019 12:17:50 PM CET d3b 64% Mon 25 Feb 2019 12:19:26 PM CET d3b 57% Mon 25 Feb 2019 12:21:00 PM CET d3b 86% Mon 25 Feb 2019 12:22:34 PM CET d3b 86% Mon 25 Feb 2019 12:24:38 PM CET d3b 71% Mon 25 Feb 2019 12:27:23 PM CET d3b 50% Mon 25 Feb 2019 12:28:57 PM CET
Deleted VK account. Saw another Verteidigung. Backed up my Android. Finished a ton of small things that I was postponing for weeks.
Using this tutorial:
adb backup -apk -shared -all -f backup-file.adb
To restore: adb restore backup-file.adb
gives monthly transactions.
As I was looking for ideas for small businesses, I found this nice website with small easy microwave recipes:, and I’ll try today the linked one. In general having such a database of go-to dishes would be quite nice, because I forget about mine often.
For categories, I again used this nice tutorial.
When outputting posts, {%raw%}{{post.excerpt}}{%endraw%}
either takes the first paragraph or a separator.
The separator can be set in config.yml
: `excerpt_separator:
published: false
in the front matter. I like this more than the official draft mechanism.
A really elegant way to delete the tags surrounding something:
Tag blocks *tag-blocks* For the "it" and "at" text objects an attempt is done to select blocks between matching tags for HTML and XML. But since these are not completely compatible there are a few restrictions. The normal method is to select auntil the matching . For "at" the tags are included, for "it" they are excluded. But when "it" is repeated the tags will be included (otherwise nothing would change). Also, "it" used on a tag block with no contents will select the leading tag.
Just discovered this randomly after a typo. @@
repeats the last @-macro I used. This will save me really a lot of time!
In this article, this nice way has been mentioned:
def safe_division(*, number, divisor, ignore_overflow, ignore_zero_division):
It forces all arguments after *
to be named during call:
>>> safe_division(number=10**1000, divisor=3**-100, ignore_overflow=True, ignore_zero_division=False)
Add all the new English and German vocabulary to anki, finally.
(Can jekyll and/or vim do smileys? Apparently it can if you enter the Unicode value of the emoji directly
Also I still can just paste them.
Okay, then behold.)
I still have no idea how that happened, but it’s quite interesting. We’ll see if and how that continues.
Race # Speed Accuracy Points Place Date 83 119 WPM 99.5% 75 2/5 today 82 87 WPM 97.7% 113 1/2 Feb. 8, 2019 81 93 WPM 98.5% 174 1/5 Feb. 7, 2019 80 87 WPM 97.2% 130 4/5 Feb. 7, 2019 79 87 WPM 97.0% 69 3/5 Feb. 7, 2019 78 101 WPM 98.5% 119 2/5 Jan. 31, 2019 77 87 WPM 97.2% 102 2/5 Jan. 31, 2019
And again, for unicode characters inside vim:
Also, for the table above, to make it align right, I had to change the tabs to spaces. Select and :retab
Improving performance on the Arch wiki has nice ideas.
hdparm -t /dev/sdX
to measure read speed.
I will later possibly go through the entire page methodically. has nice lessons about typing numbers, which I like a bit more than EdClub’s. Next up their advanced symbols to finally learn using the right Shift.
d3b 21% Mon 11 Feb 2019 12:13:52 PM CET d3b 43% Mon 11 Feb 2019 12:17:04 PM CET d3b 57% Mon 11 Feb 2019 12:18:47 PM CET d3b 71% Mon 11 Feb 2019 12:20:35 PM CET d3b 21% Mon 11 Feb 2019 12:22:25 PM CET
Decided to read Dive into Python to finally get a systematic understanding of all of the language.
The most important audience for your code is yourself, six month after writing it.
Limelight.vim is a really cool plugin. Found it linked here
Nasa’s 128 lessons of a project manager. Highlights:
None of these are original–It’s just that we don’t know where they were stolen from!
Although itβs not part of Jerryβs written Lessons Learned, he consistently told his people the following (unwritten lesson):
βShow up early for all meetings; they may be serving doughnutsβ
Finally, Les Meredith (former Director of Space Sciences and Acting Center Director) had this remark to make about Jerry Maddenβs 128 Project Managersβ Lessons Learned:
βGod only gave us Ten Commandments. Jerry has listed over a hundred instructions for a Project Manager. It is evident a lot more is expected from a Project Managerβ
sich mit etw.(Dat) befassen: undertake/concert/deal/occupy/dabble in/with/whatever – True Burger Bar in Kyiv
Finished “Old Mariner’s ballad”!
Read a number of pages of La Divina Commedia in a format that TIL is called bilingual parallel text, Italian and 1910s-German. It was absolutely fascinating on all possible levels..
Then I painted some random Gothic letters after getting inspired by the German Font the book.
learn the number line on the keyboard
see what I want to do with my domains and projects
Finish my backup system, and do one big backup of everything
look at my steno thing and decide what I want to do with it
ssh keys for everything
finish the basic 3 stones game bot thing, especially the turns part
clean everything old and unneded from, to make backups easier and to save money
Download maximum audios and videos from my VK accounts
move my blog to jekyll?
Okay, the first nice thing that happened today is that I finally automated creating new Jekyll posts!
FILE=$(date +%Y-%m-%d)-day$(date +%j).markdown
DATE=$(date +%Y-%m-%d\ %H:%M:%S\ +0100)
echo "Creating file $FILE"
touch $FILE
echo "Adding stuff"
/bin/cat <<EOM >$FILE
layout: post
title: "Day $(date +%j)"
date: $DATE
categories: []
### Bash and zsh wildcards
From [this SO answer]( I learned that bash and zsh treat wildcards differently:
> With zsh by default an empty wildcard match is treated as an error; whereas with bash it is simply passed unchanged. To make zsh behave the same way you can use the command unsetopt nomatch
## Stack
## DNB and Typing
Check out the [Jekyll docs][jekyll-docs] for more info on how to get the most out of Jekyll. File all bugs/feature requests at [Jekyllβs GitHub repo][jekyll-gh]. If you have questions, you can ask them on [Jekyll Talk][jekyll-talk].
And while we’re at it, here are some of my yesterday’s backup scripts:
echo "=== Backing up NFS... ==="
echo "= SQL... ="
name=$(date '+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')
ssh "mysqldump --all-databases --user=XXX --password=XXX4 --host=XXX > pchr8_mysql_backup_$name.sql
echo "Moving it to its location..."
mv pchr8_mysql_backup_$name.sql ../all/pchr8/db
echo "SQL done."
#echo "Making a tar archive of everything..."
#ssh "cd /home/public; tar cf " > pchr8_mysql_backup_$name.sql
echo "starting backup!"
echo "Creating mysql dump:"
name=$(date '+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')
mysqldump --all-databases >> "arith-mysql-$name.sql"
echo "created!"
echo "adding stuff to the borg thing"
borg create /path/to/backups/arith_borg_repo::arith_complete-$name /var/www arith-mysql-$name.sql /etc/apache2/
echo "creating archive"
tar cf arith_repo.tar.gz arith_borg_repo/
echo "archive created!"
Changed my startup xkb line to setxkbmap -option -option 'compose:rctrl, grp:rwin_toggle' umlauted,ruua
so I still get the right Shift which I can learn to use!
Also I really like, and the next couple of days will try to force myself to type right, with the correct Shift, without bottoming out my keys, and typing the numbers and special symbols without looking and with the right finger. Also not forgetting about posture and the right position of my hands.
“I don’t count my situps, I only start counting when it starts hurting, when I feel pain, that’s when I start counting, cause that’s when it really counts.” -Muhammed Ali (As quoted by Arnold Schwarzenneger in his speech)
Also from that same speech:
People perform better when they have no safety net
Sedition is overt conduct, such as speech and organization, that tends toward insurrection against the established order.
Aaand after a short downtime we start again! Today I will be reviewing again all the basics of Python OOP and playing with some game theory by programming a simple simulator, having open the PEP 8 β Style Guide, and focusing on not bottoming-out my keyboard keys.
import random
and randInt(x, y)
and inheritance work in Python.apropos
thing work? Do I need to create a database for it? I think it worked out of the box before.
as root, and apparently need to do it every time a enew man page is addedd3b 43% Thu 31 Jan 2019 08:36:05 AM CET
d3b 36% Thu 31 Jan 2019 08:40:41 AM CET
87 WPM 97.2%
96 WPM 98.7%
101 WPM 98.5%
Updated my timer script, now it outputs the time when the timer was set along with the reminder.
tm() {
local N="$1"; shift
(utimer -c > ~/s/sounds/outbash $N && mpg123 -q ~/s/sounds/tib.mp3 &
zenity --info --title="Time's Up" --text="${*:-BING} \n\n $(date +'%H:%M:%S %d/%m')")
for the newline, $()
to insert command output in variable (though if I understand right backticks would have also worked), and date
’s format because I will probably remember the year.
EDIT Doesn’t output the date when the timer was set, only when executed :C Need to move it to its own variable, I gues TODO for tomorrow. EDIT2 DONE!
tm() {
local DATE=$(date +'%H:%M:%S %d/%m')
local N="$1"; shift
(utimer -c > ~/s/sounds/outbash $N && mpg123 -q ~/s/sounds/tib.mp3 &
zenity --info --title="Time's Up" --text="${*:-BING} \n\n $DATE")
The googletrans
python module uses Google Translate’s web api to translate text. Look extremely useful, I should make a small CLI script for this. I seem to translate random stuff quite often.
Good ol’ alternative productivity. Getting lots of stuff done, but nothing important. Reddit
Here’s a really nice burndown about the states of every single project in the history of humanity: