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tags: Cli
Using uv as shebang line and adding requirements
Cherry-pick range of commits in git
Kubernetes copying files with rsync and kubectl without ssh access
arch linux low battery notification
Splitting files
Unzip in alpine is broken
YOLO trainings bits
Adding wandb to a CLI yolo run
Git removing untracked broken files
Kubernetes / Rancher much better way to copy data to PVCs
Kubernetes rancher magic pod yaml config to avoid shared memory crashes
Git refuses to parse long paths on encrypted linux home
Using inkscape CLI
Fish import env. variables from a .env file
fish reading file into (env) variable
Git shallow clone
Git ignoring files local-only without gitignore
git-sizer analyses local git repos for problems
yay don't ask for confirmation + the `yes` command to answer prompts
Git config commentchar for commits starting with hash
Fish shell bits
Screenshots in qtile with maim
CLI webservice for easy sharing of files via curl
JSONL to JSON conversion with jq
Connecting to a Rancher pod with kubectl terminal
Hierarchical tree list of running processes in linux
llm python module for CLI llm or chatGPT use
Speedtest-cli and cloudflare's cooler alternative
pip force reinstall
Gitstats for git project statistics
CLI preserve colored output by making programs think they are running interactively
Re-running commands with fc
Running scripts in linux without chmod-ding them
json diff with jq, also: side-by-side output
micro is a simple single-file CLI text editor
xlsxgrep for grepping inside xls files
git diff to find differences in file between revisions
Git commit empty directories
pandoc standalone option
Docker using custom Dockerfile name
Redis basics
frp proxy using docker (-compose)
You can use screen or tmux for your normal editing things
Burn iso onto usb with dd
Debian linux install hangs on configuring network + debugging linux install issues
Yunohost command log display share UX
Yunohost let's encrypt certbot manual certificate process
Make incoming pings visible
OpenSSH version
Ping with timestamp
jq iterate through key names with to_entries
Taskwarrior better use of default values
Slurm pyxis using a docker
Slurm blues
Docker adventures
Disable mouse while typing blues part N
Qtile replacing countdown-notification mechanism
git delete branch; git delete commit
inxi for getting basic info about a system
git bisect
Python running modules inside modules from CLI
Linux CLI find out where disk space went
Git HTTPS save credentials in plain text
Git adding another remote
linux pkill autocompletes only running processes
timewarrior lengthening last task to now through a hint; representing dates
taskwarrior getting currently active task
Taskwarrior python bindings
jq return raw values without quotes
taskwarrior modify tasks' hierarchical project names using taskwarrior filters and export
zsh and bash iterate for each line in command or in file
Changing screen brightness on linux, on hardware and software level
Screen tips
211117-2112 df for current filesystem or speficied file
211101-2111 bash - Find the size of all files of a certain type