In the middle of the desert you can say anything you want has a Dvorak layout!
Stenography! With plover
and this tutorial. It’s what I was trying to do but much much better on so many levels. The world is a really fascinating place.
Installed plover
, I will definitely play with it later. “Steno Hero” also exists.
I discovered, its “top-10%” setting is awesome.
I feel like being obsessed with anything automatically makes it unattainable. It’s like the universe saying, “ you’re not behaving in a healthy way so you have not earned it being yours.” Its a handy way to keep myself in check. (Reddit.
Finally figure out the Unterschied between the words Unterschied u. Unterschiedlichkeit From this German StackExchange answer:
Not from, but from my intuition:
Here are tips on how to improve ergonomics for better typing speed and comfort. TL;DR raise my wrists and lower my table/keyboard till I get a >90C angle.
Today I’ll get my mechanical keyboard <3
does this through the black hole register!.html
file extension survive better than .htm
, but the same didn’t happen for .jpeg
?I will be doing the Stronglifts 5x5 program in February! Should also read this. And follow the drink a lot of milk calorie gain thing.
\(like this \)
, so that they don’t conflict with zsh.
shorten @1 20min
for timew, and 20m
for utimer
. I think it’d be easier to fix utimer than timew – I need to make them identical either way. I guess hypothetical TODO for later.Added never-ending tasks like cleaning as the first numbers, so I can still track the time. To give them ids 1 and 2 etc., I moved them to the top of ~/.task/
. I might consider making a patch so that it’s less of ahack? Or – even better – just scripts that interface with timewarrior
with taskwarrior out of the picture completely?
* Bulletpoints are one asterisk
* sub-bullet-points are <tab>+*
track cl
or sth similar.timew
for th ecurrent “Tracking”.
work inside tikz calendar, it’s like a globally defined command? Interesting I didn’t get that before.Read 200+ pages of “Zen and the Art of Motocycle Mainenance” and drew a nice picture. After that went to Leipzig.
Added the new experience I forgot to add; very glad I could keep it still one page long.
TODO: Possibly change the template to make it less hack-y.
t 123 start
-> tws 123
istead of &
, like with \%
Again spellchecking everything, later will anki-fy this.
Pdfunite is part of poppler.
pdfunite in-1.pdf in-2.pdf in-n.pdf out.pdf
Decided to map my insert mode things to imap <F2>d <esc>:put =strftime('%c')<cr>kJA
For progress bars:
from tqdm import tqdm
for i in tqdm(my_list):
A match made in heaven. is my new favourite website.
Added alias for anki-vim
as av
Kept working on my internship report, hopefully I’ll finish it today. % Also tried to clean up the code for the algotrading thingy to make it use much more pandas.
Comment in bibtex: no easy and compatible way to do it. (see this).\ Page numbering:
To insert a tilde (~): \textasciitilde
And in general:
abbr IEC Israel Electric Corporation
abbr SZ Stromzähler
abbr LF Lastprognose
abbr ML Maschinelles Lernen
abbr DB Datenbank
abbr AD Erkennung von Anomalien
km^2 = Quadratmeter = km$^2
Die Vergütung. \
Anomaly Detection - die Erkennung von Anomalien. \
verwenden \
15 minute intervals -> 15-Minuten-Intervalls (auch “im Abständen von 15 Minuten”) \
Month rhythm -> Monat__s__rhythmus.\
basically -> im Gr__u__nde \
plöTZLich, EinflUss, drUck, grOßes, wöchiges, regelmäßig, DatenschUtz. \
reCHerCHiert, DiagraMM, Kategorie \
“und dann habe ich wieder von vorne angefangen” \
“fraghaft” existiert nicht, fragwürdig/flaglich\
Eingabedatei, not Eingangdatei\
Datei(f), Daten(pl) \
draft -> der Entwurf
I seem to have a problem remembering where the Umlauts are. I’ll fix this with Anki. Should’ve started doing it a long time ago.
yank word: yaw
. (Not inner, the entire thing, with all eventual paretheses etc.) \
pacman -S vim-spell-de
, after this :setlocal spell spelllang=de_de
Here are the important commands.
Gehe zum nächsten falschen Wort \
Gehe zum vorherigen falschen Wort \
Fügt das Wort unter dem Cursor dem Wörterbuch hinzu, das in der Variable spellfile steht. \
Fügt das Wort als falsch der Wörterbuchdatei aus der spellfile-Variable hinzu \
Bietet eine Auswahl von Korrekturvorschlägen an \
I added:
map zr z=1<CR>
, so now zr
replaces the word under cursor with the first variant suggested. I love vim for the ability to do this.
Picture with caption:
\captionsetup[figure]{labelfont={bf},name={Bild.},font={small}, labelsep=period}
\caption{One-point-ahead prediction mit zwei LSTMs.}
Kept working on my internship report.
for the % symbol:
To use a simplier citation style, \bibliographystyle{unsrt}
. For this I had to remove the package apacite
For using urls with underscores in Bibtex:
, and then
howpublished = {\url{}}
for some reason worked for me, even though it shouldn’t have.
Die Prognose \ How I divided them between X und Y –> Wie ich die zwischen X und Y aufteilte.\ Abweichungswerte – deviation values