In the middle of the desert you can say anything you want
Today I’ll get my mechanical keyboard <3
does this through the black hole register!.html
file extension survive better than .htm
, but the same didn’t happen for .jpeg
?I will be doing the Stronglifts 5x5 program in February! Should also read this. And follow the drink a lot of milk calorie gain thing.
\(like this \)
, so that they don’t conflict with zsh.
shorten @1 20min
for timew, and 20m
for utimer
. I think it’d be easier to fix utimer than timew – I need to make them identical either way. I guess hypothetical TODO for later.Added never-ending tasks like cleaning as the first numbers, so I can still track the time. To give them ids 1 and 2 etc., I moved them to the top of ~/.task/
. I might consider making a patch so that it’s less of ahack? Or – even better – just scripts that interface with timewarrior
with taskwarrior out of the picture completely?
* Bulletpoints are one asterisk
* sub-bullet-points are <tab>+*
track cl
or sth similar.timew
for th ecurrent “Tracking”.
work inside tikz calendar, it’s like a globally defined command? Interesting I didn’t get that before.Read 200+ pages of “Zen and the Art of Motocycle Mainenance” and drew a nice picture. After that went to Leipzig.
Added the new experience I forgot to add; very glad I could keep it still one page long.
TODO: Possibly change the template to make it less hack-y.
t 123 start
-> tws 123
istead of &
, like with \%
Again spellchecking everything, later will anki-fy this.
Pdfunite is part of poppler.
pdfunite in-1.pdf in-2.pdf in-n.pdf out.pdf
Decided to map my insert mode things to imap <F2>d <esc>:put =strftime('%c')<cr>kJA
For progress bars:
from tqdm import tqdm
for i in tqdm(my_list):
A match made in heaven. is my new favourite website.
Added alias for anki-vim
as av
Kept working on my internship report, hopefully I’ll finish it today. % Also tried to clean up the code for the algotrading thingy to make it use much more pandas.
Comment in bibtex: no easy and compatible way to do it. (see this).\ Page numbering:
To insert a tilde (~): \textasciitilde
And in general:
abbr IEC Israel Electric Corporation
abbr SZ Stromzähler
abbr LF Lastprognose
abbr ML Maschinelles Lernen
abbr DB Datenbank
abbr AD Erkennung von Anomalien
km^2 = Quadratmeter = km$^2
Die Vergütung. \
Anomaly Detection - die Erkennung von Anomalien. \
verwenden \
15 minute intervals -> 15-Minuten-Intervalls (auch “im Abständen von 15 Minuten”) \
Month rhythm -> Monat__s__rhythmus.\
basically -> im Gr__u__nde \
plöTZLich, EinflUss, drUck, grOßes, wöchiges, regelmäßig, DatenschUtz. \
reCHerCHiert, DiagraMM, Kategorie \
“und dann habe ich wieder von vorne angefangen” \
“fraghaft” existiert nicht, fragwürdig/flaglich\
Eingabedatei, not Eingangdatei\
Datei(f), Daten(pl) \
draft -> der Entwurf
I seem to have a problem remembering where the Umlauts are. I’ll fix this with Anki. Should’ve started doing it a long time ago.
yank word: yaw
. (Not inner, the entire thing, with all eventual paretheses etc.) \
pacman -S vim-spell-de
, after this :setlocal spell spelllang=de_de
Here are the important commands.
Gehe zum nächsten falschen Wort \
Gehe zum vorherigen falschen Wort \
Fügt das Wort unter dem Cursor dem Wörterbuch hinzu, das in der Variable spellfile steht. \
Fügt das Wort als falsch der Wörterbuchdatei aus der spellfile-Variable hinzu \
Bietet eine Auswahl von Korrekturvorschlägen an \
I added:
map zr z=1<CR>
, so now zr
replaces the word under cursor with the first variant suggested. I love vim for the ability to do this.
Picture with caption:
\captionsetup[figure]{labelfont={bf},name={Bild.},font={small}, labelsep=period}
\caption{One-point-ahead prediction mit zwei LSTMs.}
Kept working on my internship report.
for the % symbol:
To use a simplier citation style, \bibliographystyle{unsrt}
. For this I had to remove the package apacite
For using urls with underscores in Bibtex:
, and then
howpublished = {\url{}}
for some reason worked for me, even though it shouldn’t have.
Die Prognose \ How I divided them between X und Y –> Wie ich die zwischen X und Y aufteilte.\ Abweichungswerte – deviation values
Don’t plant at tree, plant an orchard. Source
Made humus, following this basically recipe: Next comes either bodybilder’s hummus or pesto hummus.
Rereading “Your rainforest mind”, reading “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”.
Colored one page of my calendar and made one simple lineart drawing. The time has come to learn to add pictures to Jekyll. For reference:
{:height=“300px”}. {:height=“300px”}. {:height=“300px”}.
Using this guide:
git config --global credential.helper cache
git config --global credential.helper 'cache --timeout=3600
Researched viability of it all, and got the impression that it doesn’t really make sense for me to get into it and that there are better ways to spend my time. Keep looking for ideas for other (but similar!) places where I can apply some of the approaches.
[This]) is a nice intro.