In the middle of the desert you can say anything you want
NeuroMorph is a set of tools designed to import, analyze, and visualize mesh models in Blender. It has been developed specifically for the morphological analysis of 3D objects derived from serial electron microscopy images of brain tissue, but much of its functionality can be applied to any 3D mesh.
Comparison of Three 3D Segmentation Software Tools for Hip Surgical Planning - PMC: compares 3d slicer, Singo, and Materialize ↩︎ ↩︎
Comprehensive Review of 3D Segmentation Software Tools for MRI Usable for Pelvic Surgery Planning - PMC ↩︎ ↩︎
Commit messages starting with #14 whatever
are awkward as #
is the default comment in git rebase and friends.
git config core.commentchar ";"
fixes that for me.
For a one-time thing this works as well:
git -c core.commentChar="|" commit --amend
(escaping - Escape comment character (#) in git commit message - Stack Overflow)
Why is the number of voxels different from the number of matrices? - Support - 3D Slicer Community
>>> raw = getNode('probe1_0000.nii.gz')
>>> slicer.util.arrayFromVolume(raw).shape
(180, 180, 500)
doesn’t work for segmentations because not a volume.
Image dimensions can be seen from volume information And are identical in both segmentations and original
I found smoothing in view controllerS!
In Slice controllers there’s this arrow button that allows to set basically layers AND SMOOTHING per slice!
So everything is as expected wrt smoothing — there was none.
Zooming in slices w/ CTRL!
// ref: 240701-1752 NII MRI annotation tools
Importing 2x .nii as directory worked as-is
Volumes can do settings per file, incl.:
Volume renderings gives 3d views?
Annotations can be imported as annotations/segmentations through add data! Then they are parsed semantically
One can segment N slices and it magically creates a 3d shape out of it!
Exporting annos as nifti possible through “export” in Segmentation module 2(not Segment Editor!)
Formats (NITRC: dcm2nii: MainPage)
The DICOM standard is very complex, and different vendors have interpreted it differently. Accurate conversion to NIfTI format requires reading the vendor’s private tags.
Save a DICOM Data as a Nifti - Support - 3D Slicer Community ↩︎
Graphviz Online is a really nice viewer
edge [color="white"]
makes all child edges white, unless overwrittenI figured out this way to label different ranks by using an invisible pseudo-graph: viewer
This is the chunk:
subgraph labels {
edge [fontcolor="black"];
node [style="filled", fontcolor="black", fontsize=10];
node1 [label="Inputs"];
node2 [label="Weights"];
node3 [label="Sum"];
node4 [label="Activation\nfunction"];
node5 [label="Output"];
node1 -> node2 -> node3 -> node4 -> node5;
{rank=same; node1;n0;n1; n2; n3;}
{rank=same; node3;sum;}
Note using ranks to align inputs/sum to the correct level; also the use of \n
in the label.
, and use HTML to make it a diff color than the main label.
dot - Graphviz: Putting a Caption on a Node In Addition to a Label - Stack Overflow
Graphviz: Distinct colors for xlabel and nodelabel - Stack OverflowDiagrams
This shows how to use fragments inside code/diagram segments: Fragment Layout Elements in Reveal.JS · quarto-dev/quarto-cli · Discussion #3685
Non-quarto solutions:
: sum [label="∑", fillcolor="#27ae60", shape=circle, style=invis];
1This makes everything invisible by default, uncommenting the lines makes the parts visible
digraph G {
node [shape=circle, style=invis, fontcolor=white, fontsize=18, fillcolor="white", color="white"];
edge [color="white", fontcolor="white"];
graph [color="white"];
subgraph cluster_1 {
#label = "Inputs";
// uncomment for visibility:
node [fillcolor="#2c3e50", style="filled"]
n0 [label=<1>];
n1 [label=<x<SUB>1</SUB>>];
n2 [label=<x<SUB>2</SUB>>];
n3 [label=<x<SUB>n</SUB>>];
{ rank=same; n0; n1; n2; n3; }
subgraph arrows {
// uncomment for visibility of arrows:
edge [color="black", fontcolor="black"];
node [style="filled", fillcolor="#27ae60"];
n0 -> sum [label=<w<SUB>0</SUB>>];
n1 -> sum [label=<w<SUB>1</SUB>>];
n2 -> sum [label=<w<SUB>2</SUB>>];
n3 -> sum [label=<w<SUB>n</SUB>>];
sum [label="∑"];
subgraph end {
// uncomment for visibility
edge [color="black", fontcolor="black"];
node [style="filled", fillcolor="#27ae60"];
activation [label="∫", fillcolor="#f39c12", shape=circle];
// Output node
output [label="y", fillcolor="#8e44ad"];
// Other edges
sum -> activation;
activation -> output;
at DuckDuckGozipinfo
lists everythingssine/pptx2md: a pptx to markdown converter does this automatically!
// Ha: [Falk358/quarto_translator: A python project for translating quarto markdown files using the openai API](
How do I write LaTeX with colors in quarto presentations? · quarto-dev/quarto-cli · Discussion #4429
\color{green}{\bf{Net Benefit}} = \frac{\color{green}{\bf{TP}}}{\text{N}} - \frac{\color{red}{\bf{FP}}}{\text{N}} * {\frac{{p_{t}}}{{1 - p_{t}}}}
$$\color{red}{w_0} + x_1*w_1 + x_2*w_2 + x_1*w_1$$
It uses the usual names: LaTeX Color Definitions
Actually2 these: MathJax-src/ts/input/tex/color/ColorConstants.ts at master · mathjax/MathJax-src
HA, it can even do usual RGB hex colors!
The useful to me are Cardinal/Carmine and Cerulean/Blue?..
Modifying the MathJax size · quarto-dev/quarto-cli · Discussion #2392 only global
Mathjax supports things like \tiny{w_..}
! (Changing mathjax’s font size - Stack Overflow)
Quarto: How to right justify text in PDF and HTML - Stack Overflow:
.flushright {
text-align: right;
::: {.flushright}
But actually,
::: {style="text-align: right;"}
$\small{E(W) = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^{n} \mathcal{L} \left( \color{blue}{f(x^{(i)}; W)}, \color{red}{y_{true}^{(i)}} \right)}$
Preview in a long/high browser window to see what the actual width of the presentation is. PDF export also uses the actual width
in latex→
)Closing the window with the kitty terminal through qtile/OS means often asks you whether you really want to, as sth is running there.
Kitty has Ctrl+Shift+W
which closes the terminal no questions asked.
Used Apps/Dia - GNOME Wiki! all my life and love it, but
News! 2011-Dec-18: Version 0.97.2 has been released.
Depends on python 2.7 and is very problematic to install now. I’ll miss it.
I hear is a good alternative.
I’ll add a list of options here next time I need this.
(But for older dia files I’ll have to edit maybe later: it could be installed on a Windows machine and export a broken .SVG which I could then edit in Inkscape.)