In the middle of the desert you can say anything you want
sudo pacman -S cronie
sudo systemctl enable cronie.service
# many minutes were lost due to me forgetting to start it as well...
sudo systemctl start cronie.service
crontab -e
edits your own crontab, then you can omit the username.#!/bin/bash
# get the directory where this file is located
DIRNAME="$( dirname -- "$( readlink -f -- "$0"; )"; )"
cd $DIRNAME &&
git add -A &&
git commit -m "Automatic backup at `date`" &&
git push origin master &&
echo "Done"
# and this is the crontab
# odd hours:
# * 1-23/2 * * * /bin/bash $HOME/ > /tmp/cronlog
EDIT: sometimes if git crashes an index file stays and then nothing runs — so the cronjob must be somehow monitored manually, todo.
TL;DR: fish easy version below works, but needs quotes when expression is complex: cc 2+2
but cc 'floor(2.3)'
I’m continuing to move my useful snippets from zsh to fish (240620-2109 Fish shell bits), and the most challenging one was the CLI python calculator I really love and depend on, since it contained arguments with parentheses (which are fish expressions as well).
Basically: cc WHATEVER
inside python, can do both easy math a la 2+2
and more casual statistics-y mean([2,33,28])
Before in zsh this was the magic function:
cc() python3 -c "from math import *; from statistics import *; print($*);"
alias cc='noglob cc'
Fish, easy version:
function cc
command python3 -c "from math import *; from statistics import *; print($argv);"
Works for easy cc 2+2
bits, but as soon as functions and therefore parentheses get involved (cc floor(2.3)
) it starts to error out.
[I] sh@nebra~/t $ cc mean([2,4])
fish: Unknown command: '[2,4]'
in command substitution
fish: Unknown command
cc mean([2,4])
[I] sh@nebra~/t $ cc mean\([2,4]\)
>>> mean([2,4])
[I] sh@nebra~/t $
(But I REALLY don’t want to do cc mean\([2, 3]\)
In the zsh snippet, noglob
meant basically “take this literally w/o expanding anything”, and it passed everything as-is to python, and this is what fails in my fish solution.
Noglob in fish is fun:
If you wish to use arguments that may be expanded somehow literally, quote them. echo ‘’ and echo “” both will print the literal.
for literals inside single$TERM
) & command substitution ($(command)
for literal "
s inside doubleecho (ls)
= ls output, one lineecho "$(ls)"
= ls output, multilineecho '(ls)'
= (ls)
echo "(ls)"
= "(ls)"
command python3 -c "from math import *; from statistics import *; print($argv);"
cc ceil\(2\)
+cc ceil(2)
-`command python3 -c “from math import *; from statistics import *; print(’$argv’);”
OK can I do a variable then?
set pyc $argv
echo $pyc
command python3 -c "from math import *; from statistics import *; print($pyc);"
(and learning to use fish loops mainly, of course there are better ways to do this.)
# list of simple, brackets, and parentheses + no, single, double quotes
# no space between nums in brackets, python interpreter would add them. [2,3] — literal, [2, 3] — parsed by python
set cmds \
'2+2' \
'\'2+2\'' \
'"2+2"' \
'[2,3]' \
'\'[2,3]\'' \
'"[2,3]"' \
'floor(2.3)' \
'\'floor(2.3)\'' \
function tcc
set pyc $argv
# command python3 -c "from math import *; from statistics import *; print" '(' "$pyc" ');'
# command python3 -c "from math import *; from statistics import *; print($pyc);"
command python3 -c "from math import *; from statistics import *; print($pyc);"
# loop through all test cases to see sth that works for all
for i in $cmds
echo $i:
echo " $(tcc $i)"
At the end, no additional literal quotes + initial command didn’t error out, and we came full circle:
set cmds \
'2+2' \
'[2,3]' \
# winner command!
function tcc
command python3 -c "from math import *; from statistics import *; print($argv);"
[I] sh@nebra~/t $ ./
[2, 3]
gets expanded$pyc
in the working versions have no hard-coded quotestcc floor(2.3)
still fails — because like that it’s a command, not a string. In the file it was inside single quotes, as a string. So I can do this in the CLI as well.So simple and logical at the end.
function cc
echo ">>> $argv"
command python3 -c "from math import *; from statistics import *; print($argv);"
When using, quotes are needed only for complex bits (parentheses, *
[I] sh@nebra~/t $ cc 2+2
>>> 2+2
[I] sh@nebra~/t $ cc [2,3,4]
>>> [2,3,4]
[2, 3, 4]
# no quotes
[I] sh@nebra~/t $ cc mean([2,3,4])
fish: Unknown command: '[2,3,4]'
in command substitution
fish: Unknown command
cc mean([2,3,4])
# with quotes
[I] sh@nebra~/t $ cc 'mean([2,3,4])'
>>> mean([2,3,4])
So I literally had to follow the advice from the first link I found and used single quotes in my initial command:
If you wish to use arguments that may be expanded somehow literally, quote them. echo ‘’ and echo “” both will print the literal.
Still, I learned a lot about fish in the process and honestly am loving it.
In my old zsh config I had this:
function dos() {
# run_disowned and silenced
nohup "$@" >/dev/null 2>&1 & disown
Emulating my old dos
command in fish:
firefox &; disown
starts and disowns ffx.Both together give this solution:
function dos
echo "disowning $argv"
command $argv >/dev/null 2>&1 &
shell - Fish equivalent of bash $(command) notation - Stack Overflow:
- bash: $(command)
- fish: (command)
commandtype - locate a command and describe its type — fish-shell 3.7.0 documentation:
type commandname
[I] sh@nebra~/me/me-qs $ type cc
cc is a function with definition
# Defined in /home/sh/.config/fish/ @ line 184
function cc
echo ">>> $argv"
command python3 -c "from math import *; from statistics import *; print($argv);"
quarto render --no-clean ...
(or an interrupted render?) created many
files in the same dirs as their .qmd/.md sources:
papers/11-bank2011using/ papers/23-hanig2023nlp/
papers/11-hanig2011benefits/ papers/23-tumler2023virtual/
papers/11-hanig2011benefits/ papers/23-tumler2023virtual/
papers/11-hanig2011knowledge/ papers/24-hamotskyi2024fincorpus/
Then the custom listing for */*.md
went crazy because the
files didn’t have the needed fields. (also .jsons/.html etc.)
Quarto has no quarto clean
but one can just re-render everything without --no-clean
To find all these files arbitrarily many levels deep:
ls **/*
When doing a multilingual quarto website using profiles (240619-1425 Quarto multilanguage website), quarto preview/render --profile de
allows previewing only one language, and the menu links (/de/xxx
) break.
Solution to preview EVERYTHING, including menu links logic:
# Todo break on erorr
quarto render --profile=ua
quarto render --profile=en
quarto render --profile=de
And then serve the _site
directory locally through a simple webserver, e.g.
Python SimpleHTTPServer - Python HTTP Server | DigitalOcean, and see the result on http://localhost:9000:
python3 -m http.server -d _site 9000
ERROR: TypeError: title.trim is not a function quarto
happens for me when in front-matter I do
# title: "Publications and Awards"
title: {\{< var test >}}
instead of QUOTED
# title: "Publications and Awards"
title: "{\{< var test >}}"
ALSO, interestingly, when I save the wrong version while previewing the error is better:
ERROR: Validation of YAML front matter failed.
ERROR: In file publications.qmd
(line 3, columns 8--24) Field "title" has value {\{< var test >}}, which must insteadbe a string
2: # title: "Publications and Awards"
3: title: {\{< var test >}}
4: css: ./posts_publications/pub_style.css
✖ The value {\{< var test >}} is of type object.
ℹ The error happened in location title.
ERROR: Render failed due to invalid YAML.
So: quarto errors are more detailed when previewing instead of when compiling from zero? Interesting. Okay.
No native support
R package exists, but I don’t feel like digging into R at all: Renders a Multilingual Quarto Book • babelquarto
The other approaches I found are all based on project profiles and conditional output
Document Language – Quarto1 for setting one language in the page and doing per-language changes to the template texts
ONLY, the rest won’t get parsed
default: en
# mutually exclusive group: you can do only one
# (otherwise `--profile one,two` does multiple)
- [en, de, uk]
# `unless-profile` exists as well
::: {.content-visible when-profile="en"}
This content will only appear in the advanced version.
Links are going to be interesting!
Currently /de
is German, /
is English.
Main home page is ..
from DE lang, or /de
from EN.
Menu items:
href: ../de/lehre.html
— note the HTML bit!But when previewing DEU, all of these pages are at /
— ergo menu items don’t work, as they lead to a non-existing ../de/...
ALSO: shows nicely how one can link to other languages from the menu!
- icon: book
href: publications.qmd
text: Publikationen
- href: ../en/blog
text: Blog (englisch)
Website Options – Quarto tells me I can do this in each _quarto-de.yml
etc. profile:
lang: de
#lang: ua
#lang: en
This changes the interface to follow the corresponding quarto-cli/src/resources/language/_language.yml at main · quarto-dev/quarto-cli
Not dealt with in any of the approaches: quarto’s native Document Language1 thing
- How do I do different post titles per language?
- How do I change site language, so , conditionally?_languages.yml
Project Basics – Quarto discusses the various approaches to metadata
… I could literally do a bash script that puts a _metadata.yaml
, builds with a proflie, then removes that file. Oh this would be painful
Skimming Website Options – Quarto doesn’t really help
lang: de
from within profiles! NICEtitle[currnet-profile-name]
or something?_variables.yml
works for var shortcodes (240619-1845 Quarto error title.trim() is not a function), and shortcodes can do metadata too# works
title-en: "Publications and Awards"
title: "{\{< meta title-en >}}"
If only I could do per-language attributes as shown in the docu2:
title-block-published: "Updated"
title-block-published: "Mis à jour"
It would be so cool if one could overwrite the other variables
title: german post title
The above would nicely get a language from the profile _quarto-lang.yml
and automatically change the things.
Can I do this for titles and front-matter?
I can get the current profile from the env variable
profile: {\{< env QUARTO_PROFILE >}}
If I could just
title: vars['titles']['postname'][QUARTO_PROFILE]
OK let’s do this. No choice.
First3 attempt to write anything in lua:
function Meta(m)
local profiles = quarto.project.profile
local profile = profiles[1]
if profile then
print("Profile: " .. profile)
m.active_profile = profile
if profile and m.titles and m.titles[profile] then
cleantitle = pandoc.utils.stringify(m.titles[profile])
oldtitle = pandoc.utils.stringify(m.title)
m.title = cleantitle
print("Profile:" .. profile)
print("Old title:" .. oldtitle)
print("New title:" .. cleantitle)
return m
I’d need to make it more robust:
function Meta(m)
local profiles = quarto.project.profile
if not profiles then
-- TODO: missing YAML key? Empty YAML key?..
-- TODO even more later: filter multiple profiles to use the language one
return m
local profile = profiles[1]
-- If we have a named profile, save it, otherwise return
if profile then
print("Profile: " .. profile)
m.active_profile = profile
return m
if m.titles then
local titles = m.titles
if titles[profile] then
newtitle = pandoc.utils.stringify(titles[profile])
oldtitle = pandoc.utils.stringify(m.title)
-- log both if they differ
if newtitle ~= oldtitle then
m.title = newtitle
-- print("Old title:" .. oldtitle)
-- print("New title:" .. newtitle)
print(oldtitle .. " => " .. newtitle)
print("Title for profile " .. profile .. " not found among ")
for lang, title in pairs(titles) do -- Table iteration.
print(" " .. lang .. ": " .. pandoc.utils.stringify(title))
return m
Main problems:
[Document Language (alternates) – Quarto]( ↩︎
I think Master Thesis pandoc required lua magic and I tried some small pandoc filter bits, але це було давно і неправда. ↩︎
All from javascript - How can I comment the EJS code (JS node) without getting an error - Stack Overflow:
// Neat multiline comment thing
<%if(false) {%>
<!-- single row of inline icons for pdf. etc instead of buttons -->
<%} %>
// hard to grep for and no syntax highlight, so maybea adding COMMENT works as my bad idea
<%if(false) {%>
single row of inline icons for pdf. etc instead of buttons
// Documentation says:
<%# comment %>
// Not documentation, multiline comment:
<%/* comment */%>
I had issues putting HTML code w/ EJS snippets in the latter one, so iffalse it is. For nested things, SO suggests these (both bad imo):
<!--label for="<%#= %>" style="background-color: <%#= user.color %>;"-->
<!--label for= <%#=`${}` %> style= <%#=`background-color: ${user.color};`%> -->
Given: quarto website page with publications. Previously touched upon in the messy 240605-2055 Quarto website creation notes.
This works:
[UNLP paper](publications.qmd#hamotskyi2024unlp)
<a name="title"></a>
, not id=
, attribute, but this doesn’t work for me in quarto.)// Get anchor id somehow from paper path
<% let y= item.path.split('/'); y.pop(); let dirname = y.pop(); let citation_key = dirname.split('-').pop() %>
// Overwrite with paper front-matter if there's one
<% if (item.citation_key) { %>
<% citation_key = item.citation_key %>
<% } %>
// Add to paper listing thing
<a id="<%= citation_key %>"></a>
Description=Lock the screen
ExecStart=/usr/bin/xlock -usefirst -echokeys -description -modelist swarm,starfish,mandelbrot,polyominoes,fadeplot,matrix,lisa,life3d,life1d,kumppa,grav,flow
To enable1:
sudo systemctl enable user-suspend@myusername.service
Arch wiki (Session lock - ArchWiki) omits @myusername
which leads to this error:
Failed to enable unit: Destination unit is a non-template unit.
Also: xlock (xlockmore) is neat, here’s a list of modes: XlockMore modes
(Also: XScreenSaver versus XLock)
Offtopic but cool: Cool, but obscure X11 tools
Added this to qtile autostart:
xss-lock -- xlock -usefirst -echokeys -modelist qix,lisa &
Auto-lock after 300 seconds:
xset s on
xset s 300
is insecure, which is why it’s absent from Ubuntu repos, but especially jarring when having an external monitor — on my install, it used to show the lock screen on the external monitor, but show a still image of the desktop and my open programs on the internal one. Damn.
xscreensaver ftw.