In the middle of the desert you can say anything you want
Fought long and hard on this till I got enlightened. The trivial stupid way works.
% put it wherever in the table
\caption[Evaluation scores]{Scores of selected models.
\dagtab LMES tasks (shortened for brevity)
This was so easy.
\ddag double dagger also exists
! as well
The UNLP workshop generously included a 3 months trial of Grammarly Premium, and this was interesting.
Shown in Fig. XXX
Oxford commas — Grammarly wants them, I seem to not, but I should decide on one
it specified the requirements, THE complexity of the story, … — when I list things I can’t use one article for all of them!
e.g. requires a comma only in American English
I do A LOT of errors with duplicated words (the the)
I don’t know how to spell a number of English words
Many typos are acoustical ones if I’m tired, e.g. doc instead of dog
I use too many words
it removes many of my commas
General impressions
written in python
requires Python to be capitalized!Comma after ‚i.e.‘ and ‚e.g.‘ – Business English & Übersetzungen:
They are followed by commas in American English but not in British English.
kubectl cp
failed with errors, so.
curl -T - Super simple file sharing
(rapids) root@lm-eval-sh:/data/output# curl -F ""
Generally, free curl file sharing online - Google Suche returns many services with potential.
seaborn.barplot — seaborn 0.13.2 documentation:
passing order=[list,of,cats,in,order]
decides the ordering.
Otherwise “it will be inferred” except that it’s not always trivial to understand how exactly (or I’m too sleep-deprived).
And if I’m drawing horizontal lines on top of the bars in the barplot based on indexes then the order may be sligthly different.
With the help of ChatGPT
% Specify words to remain in lowercase unless they are the first word
\Addlcwords{the and but or nor for a an at by to in on with of}
\section{an example of a section with and without uppercasing specific words}
This is some text.
\subsection{exploring the integration of tools in the workplace}
More text here.
The same thing can have multiple names and that’s alright!
Margin notes - Overleaf, Online-LaTeX-Editor:
is the vanilla option, but this works in all cases ever:
EXCEPT I couldn’t find a way to add footnote markers to have numbered margin notes separate from the real footnotes.
But this solves everything, quoting directly1:
\renewcommand\themgncount{\arabic{mgncount} }
Can we put a footnote with number in the margin and a number in the text?\marginfootnote{There's a number here!}
Another test\marginfootnote{Working!}
One more try\marginfootnote{Successful!}
EDIT: actually it doesn’t and uses the number from footnotes in the text itself. :(
Ah, the sidenotes
package exists:
But uses only 1…3-type numbers.
Yes this is it! CTAN: Paket sidenotesplus
\sidenote{does basically what footnote does}
It has a lot of options and can do a lot of things, yes, this is it, it’s perfect. The example page has everything:
See also CTAN: Marginal topic.
marginpar - Footnote and number in margin - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange
symbols - What is the best way to use quotation mark glyphs? - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange:
``this'' / `this' is the proper way
"this"/'this' produces two closing quotes and 'is annoying to readers'
There’s also CTAN: Package csquotes that ‘is fantastic’, including smartly doing nested quotes, correct quotes for diff languages, and ‘generally always doing what you want it it’:
\enquote{My quoted text}
Another answer suggests
I’ve been using more custom latex commands lately and this goes in that direction.
I guess creating a \q
that does autoquotes w/ csquotes is the way to go?
with italics for longer sentences.)Bits
Not bits
====== Open research questions:
SH, [10 Apr 2024 14:58:39] LMES — дослідити robustness моделей, і наприклад глянути яка залежність accuracy людей і ШІ в залежності від мммм різниці в довжині слів чи номеру слова (“яке стотринадцяте слово в реченні …”) CBT-UA — нормально evaluate, а ще для людей і машин — глянути scores якщо давати тільки challenge segment. Я це тестив з нейромережами (не попало в paper), але там дуже часто були кращі результати з фрагментом ніж з усією казкою
SH, [10 Apr 2024 14:59:57] Зробити датасет по biases і фемінітивам, у мене написаний код для генерації нульової версії, там по суті речення типу “моя жінка займається програмуванням компʼютерних систем, тобто за професією вона — ….”
SH, [10 Apr 2024 15:00:20] Мрія всього життя таки зробити Russian-Ukrainian interference dataset на предмет русизмів та російських помилок
SH, [10 Apr 2024 15:02:57] UA-CBT — взяти казки з project Gutenberg, взяти іноземні казки перекладені українською, і порівняти scores моделей на тасках по казкам з цих різних джерел. Можна забити на фільтрацію, чисто зробити human baseline на частині згенерованого датасету. Так можна зробити нереально великий датасет і знати що там максимум умовнио 80% бо 20% тасків сміття