In the middle of the desert you can say anything you want
Never thought of this, but I can use f-strings inside list comprehensions inside f-strings:"Stories split into {'/'.join(f'{x:.2f}' for x in actual_split_sizes)}")
(Not that it’s necessarily a good idea to.)
Pytest has pytest.approx() that does what unittest’s almostEqual()
does for python floating point arithmetic quirks:
from pytest import approx
def test_splitting():
ns = [
[0.4, 0.5],
expected = [
[0.4, 0.6],
[0.4, 0.5, 0.1],
for i,n in enumerate(ns):
assert _find_split_sizes(n)==approx(expected[i])
(Quirks being basically this)
18:22:52 ~/uuni/master/code/ua_cbt/src/ 0
> python3
Python 3.8.10 (default, Nov 22 2023, 10:22:35)
[GCC 9.4.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> 0.1+0.2
if needed.kubectl describe nodes
as a sanity-check that it worksTo run stuff
kubectl exec -it pod-name -n namespace -- bash
The namespace bit is critical, otherwise one may get errors like
kubectl exec [POD] [COMMAND] is DEPRECATED and will be removed in a future version. Use kubectl exec [POD] -- [COMMAND] instead.
Error from server (Forbidden): pods "podname" is forbidden: User "user" cannot get resource "pods" in API group "" in the namespace "default"
If screen
CLI is bad, it’s because it’s sh
, run bash
and everything will work. screen -R screenname bash
To run a pod w/ CLI:
kubectl apply -f pod.yaml
To view logs:
kubectl logs podname -n namespace
To copy files:
I run a command w/ ARGs as CMD inside a Dockerfile.
I’d like to docker run -e "WHAT=ever" image bash
to drop into bash to look around and maybe change the main command, for this I’d need to generate some
, but I can’t, because Docker ARGs are available at buildtime but not runtime. (And I don’t want to use env variables because I want to cat
to copypaste what would run instead of looking at the values of environment variables.)
I came up with this setup:
FROM nvidia/cuda:11.6.2-runtime-ubuntu20.04
ARG TASKS=truthfulqa
# ....
COPY resources/ /
RUN chmod +x /
CMD ["/"]
# echo "I am entrypoint"
echo "python3 -m lm_eval --model hf --model_args pretrained=${HF_MODEL_NAME} --limit $LIMIT --write_out --log_samples --output_path /tmp/Output --tasks $TASKS --device $DEVICE --verbosity DEBUG --include_path /resources --show_config" > /
echo "echo I am" >> /
chmod +x /
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
# If we have no args to the entrypoint, run the main command
# If we do, assume it's a program and execute it
echo "exec-ing $@"
exec "$@"
Then, this command will run the that creates and then runs it:
docker run --rm -it -e "DEVICE=cpu" -e "HF_MODEL_NAME=TinyLlama/TinyLlama-1.1B-Chat-v1.0" -e "LIMIT=1" -e "TASKS=openbookqa-test" me/lm-eval:0.0.17
And this one runs the entrypoint that creates and then runs bash
, dropping me into a shell where I can cat /
docker run --rm -it -e "DEVICE=cpu" -e "HF_MODEL_NAME=TinyLlama/TinyLlama-1.1B-Chat-v1.0" -e "LIMIT=1" -e "TASKS=openbookqa-test" me/lm-eval:0.0.17 bash
Docker ENTRYPOINT and CMD : Differences & Examples:
by defaultThe usual CMD whatever
at the end of Dockerfiles then means /bin/sh whatever
Here we use that to our advantage to decide what to run, while guaranteeing that the gets created always.
can be overridden by appending to the docker run
command, like docker run ... image bash
can be overridden with the --entrypoint
argument to docker run
.I often want to do something similar for a Docker image running on Rancher. For this I usually use sth like this (230311-1215 Rancher and kubernetes basics):
- name: project-lm-eval-container-name-2
image: me/lm-eval:0.0.17
- /bin/sh
- -c
- while true; do echo $(date) >> /tmp/out; sleep 1; done
Define a Command and Arguments for a Container | Kubernetes mentions something that can be a better way.
echo "python3 -m lm_eval --model hf --model_args pretrained=${HF_MODEL_NAME} --limit $LIMIT --write_out --log_samples --output_path /tmp/Output --tasks $TASKS --device $DEVICE --verbosity DEBUG --include_path /resources --show_config" > /
echo "echo I am" >> /
chmod +x /
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
# If we have no args to the entrypoint, run the main command
elif [ "$1" = "sleep" ]; then
while true; do
echo sleeping on $(date)
sleep 10
# If we have any other arg, assume it's a command and execute it
exec "$@"
When it has sleep
as an argument, it’ll sleep, the rest is unchanged.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: xx
namespace: xx
- name: project-lm-eval-container-name-2
image: me/lm-eval:0.0.17
# If BE_INTERACTIVE == "sleep", ./entrypoint will be an infinite loop
# (if it's empty, it'll run the thing as usual)
# (if it's anything else, it will run that command, e.g. bash)
- /
args: ["$(BE_INTERACTIVE)"]
# all of them, plus:
name: lm-eval-cmap
A bit ugly, sth like RUN_MODE would be better, but now:
, the pod will run the infinite loop, then I can “Execute shell” and echo /
etc.!This was hard to get right with newlines replacements etc., but this can write in nice multiline format:
cat > / <<EOF
python3 -m lm_eval \\
--model hf \\
--model_args pretrained=$HF_MODEL_NAME \\
--limit $LIMIT \\
--write_out \\
--log_samples \\
--output_path /tmp/Output \\
--tasks $TASKS \\
--device $DEVICE \\
--verbosity DEBUG \\
--include_path /resources \\
No quotes around ‘EOF’, double backslashes, no slashes before $ (with them the replacement will happen during runtime, not creation.)
Last update on this: run_then_sleep
executes th the command immediately then sleeps, and I can connect to the container. Nice for Rancher and co that don’t create the container immediately, and I have to wait for it to be able to start stuff.
cat > / <<EOF
python3 -m lm_eval \\
--model hf \\
--model_args pretrained=$HF_MODEL_NAME \\
--limit $LIMIT \\
--write_out \\
--log_samples \\
--output_path /tmp/Output \\
--tasks $TASKS \\
--device $DEVICE \\
--verbosity DEBUG \\
--include_path /resources \\
echo "echo I am" >> /
chmod +x /
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
# If we have no args to the entrypoint, run the main command
elif [ "$1" = "sleep" ]; then
while true; do
echo sleeping
sleep 10
elif [ "$1" = "run_then_sleep" ]; then
while true; do
echo sleeping after run
sleep 100
# If we have any other arg, assume it's a command and execute it
exec "$@"
wagoodman/dive: A tool for exploring each layer in a docker image is cool.
dive myimage:tag
told me which line in my Dockerfile created a 5gb layer
Looks really cool as well:
pip install -e whatever
poetry add -e whatever
poetry add -e git+
Such installed packages go into ./.venv/src/whatever
, where they are editable.
From the eleutherAI eval harness (240129-1833 Writing evaluation code for my Masterarbeit) I learned about promptsource templates for various tasks!
Basically crowdsourced(?) templates for LLMs for specific well-known tasks like
answer_choices: Guaranteed ||| Possible ||| Impossible
jinja: "Assume it is true that {{premise}} \n\nTherefore, \"{{hypothesis}}\" is\
\ {{\"guaranteed\"}}, {{\"possible\"}}, or {{\"impossible\"}}? ||| {{ answer_choices[label]\
\ }}"
My favourite params for dumping both, esp. if Ukrainian/cyrillic/UTF is involved
All of the below are params one can pass to to_[json|yaml][_file]()
of Wizard Mixin Classes — Dataclass Wizard 0.22.3 documentation
params = dict(
allow_unicode=True, # write Ukrainian as Ukrainian
sort_keys=False, # so template is first in the YAML for readability
self.to_yaml_file(yaml_target, **params)
prefers lists like this (from docu):
>>> print yaml.dump(yaml.load(document), default_flow_style=False)
a: 1
c: 3
d: 4
to_json(indent=4, ensure_ascii=False)
The difference being:
(Pdb++) created_tasks[0][0].to_json()
'{"question": "\\u042f\\u043a\\u0435 \\u0441\\u043b\\u043e\\u0432\\u043e \\u043a\\u043e\\u0440\\u043e\\u0442\\u0448\\u0435: \\"\\u043a\\u0456\\u0442\\"\\u0447\\u0438 \\"\\u0441\\u043e\\u0431\\u0430\\u043a\\u0430\\"?", "correctAnswer": "\\u043a\\u0456\\u0442", "templateUuid": "1da85d6e7cf5440cba54e3a9b548a037", "taskInstanceUuid": "6ac71cd524474684abfec0cfa3ef5e1e", "additionalMetadata": {"kind": "less", "template_n": 2, "t1": "\\u043a\\u0456\\u0442","t2": "\\u0441\\u043e\\u0431\\u0430\\u043a\\u0430", "reversed": false}}'
(Pdb++) created_tasks[0][0].to_json(ensure_ascii=False)
'{"question": "Яке слово коротше: \\"кіт\\" чи \\"собака\\"?", "correctAnswer": "кіт", "templateUuid": "1da85d6e7cf5440cba54e3a9b548a037", "taskInstanceUuid": "6ac71cd524474684abfec0cfa3ef5e1e", "additionalMetadata": {"kind": "less", "template_n": 2, "t1": "кіт", "t2": "собака", "reversed": false}}'
As before, lmentry code is a big inspiration.
I didn’t want to write an eval harness, but somehow I find myself doing that — but instead of a benchmark thing, as one-time task, and worse than the existing ones. I wonder.
Each JSON object will represent one data point in your eval. The keys you need in the JSON object depend on the eval template. All templates expect an “input” key, which is the prompt, ideally specified in chat format (though strings are also supported). We recommend chat format even if you are evaluating non-chat models. If you are evaluating both chat and non-chat models, we handle the conversion between chat-formatted prompts and raw string prompts (see the conversion logic here).
is a list of options, like [11
, "11"
].{"input": [{"role": "system", "content": "Ви отримаєте текст електронної петиції. Вам потрібно проаналізувати суть звернення та опираючись на законодавчу базу України та інші фактори відповісти чи підтримали би уряд цю петицію. Поясніть свій хід думок та висновок з позиції законодавства України."}, {"role": "user", "content": "Суть звернення: Повернути пільги на оплату електроенергії для населення, яке проживає у 30-кілометровій зоні атомних електростанцій. Відновити інші пільги населенню на оплату спожитої електричної енергії. Дата складання петиції - 2021 рік."}], "ideal": "Уряд не підтримав цю петицію, оскільки вважає, що питання надання пільг та субсидій на оплату комунальних послуг, в тому числі електроенергії, є повноваженням Кабінету Міністрів України а не уряду. Крім того, уряд вважає, що в державному бюджеті України на 2021 рік вже передбачено достатній обсяг коштів для компенсації витрат вразливим верствам населення, у тому числі для населення, що проживає в 30-кілометровій зоні атомних електростанцій."}
Sample submission: Eval for Ukrainian electronic petitions by ziomio · Pull Request #1001 · openai/evals This is actually realistic!
Sample for multiple choice:
"input": [
"role": "system",
"content": "Ви розв'язуєте державний екзамен з української мови та літератури. Вкажіть літеру відповіді та текст відповіді дослівно, наприклад: Б. варіант відповіді"
"role": "user",
"content": "Позначте словосполучення, у якому порушено граматичну норму на позначення часу:\nА. рівно о першій;\nБ. десять хвилин по шостій;\nВ. пів на десяту;\nГ. сім годин двадцять хвилин;\nД. за двадцять п’ята."
"ideal": "Г. сім годин двадцять хвилин;"
GEC! evals/evals/registry/data/ukraine_gec at main · openai/evals
OK I’m definitely doing that.
And the example/parsing bit is important, since by default it’s often more verbose than I’d like:
lm-evaluation-harness/docs/ at main · EleutherAI/lm-evaluation-harness
Supports things like multiple choice etc. out of the box!
Datasets are HF datasets! (remote or local)
is the model prompt
doc_to_text: "Is the following statement hateful? Respond with either Yes or No. Statement: '{{text}}'"
is either a string y
or the index of the correct labeldoc_to_choice
, a list of strings
doc_to_choice: "{{[ending0, ending1, ending2, ending3]}}"
doc_to_text: "{{support.lstrip()}}\nQuestion: {{question}}\nAnswer:" # This is the input portion of the prompt for this doc. It will have " {{choice}}" appended to it as target for each choice in answer_choices.
doc_to_target: 3 # this contains the index into the answer choice list of the correct answer.
doc_to_choice: "{{[distractor1, distractor2, distractor3, correct_answer]}}"
(Awesome!) MMLU as used in the tutorial notebook:
Cool tutorial on using the harness on a just-created task: lm-evaluation-harness/examples/lm-eval-overview.ipynb at main · EleutherAI/lm-evaluation-harness
Interface (howto run) docs: lm-evaluation-harness/docs/ at main · EleutherAI/lm-evaluation-harness
Decontamination: lm-evaluation-harness/docs/ at main · EleutherAI/lm-evaluation-harness
For analyzing things, my tasks with my metadatas in them
in the main runner saves it on per-doc granularity (see interface)
python --tasks all_tasks --num_fewshot 5 --num_examples 10 --output_base_path /path/to/output/folder
It has even a cost estimate: lm-evaluation-harness/scripts/ at main · EleutherAI/lm-evaluation-harness
Advanced usage tips shows how to pass AutoModel
args to HF models
Details on what went into the leaderboard can be seen as well:Open LLM Leaderboard - a Hugging Face Space by HuggingFaceH4
They support Zeno for visualizing stuff, and it’s cool: TruthfulQA | Zeno
Looking at the above:
=> Include semi-natively chat-completion-style instructions to my dataset dataclasses?
I love EleutherAI and Zeno and will be mainly using that! Instead of writing my own NIH bad eval package
Make all generators create dataclass-wizard-jsons AND flattened CSVs for all the tasks
CSV->HF in the eval package, together with the yamls for config
Oh look cbt · Datasets at Hugging Face
llm-experiments/ at main · AUGMXNT/llm-experiments shows how to use lm-eval, and
. At these prices, running the above eval cost ~$90.77 (~4.5M tokens) and about 1h to run the tasks.
TextSynth Server has a cool list of models, their sizes w/ diff quantizations, and scores on benchmarks
Created a docker w/ lm-eval, interactively playing with it
--limit 1
is a thingWas able to run this on CPU!
python3 -m lm_eval --model hf --model_args pretrained=TinyLlama/TinyLlama-1.1B-Chat-v1.0 --limit 1 --write_out --log_samples --output_path /tmp/outpt --tasks truthfulqa --device cpu
Generated this, took 19 minutes
: None, batch_size: 1
| Tasks |Version|Filter|n-shot| Metric | Value | |Stderr|
|truthfulqa |N/A |none | 0|acc | 0.9251|± |N/A |
| | |none | 0|bleu_max | 8.9138|± |N/A |
| | |none | 0|bleu_acc | 0.0000|± |N/A |
| | |none | 0|bleu_diff | 0.0000|± |N/A |
| | |none | 0|rouge1_max |46.1538|± |N/A |
| | |none | 0|rouge1_acc | 1.0000|± |N/A |
| | |none | 0|rouge1_diff| 3.2967|± |N/A |
| | |none | 0|rouge2_max |18.1818|± |N/A |
| | |none | 0|rouge2_acc | 1.0000|± |N/A |
| | |none | 0|rouge2_diff| 1.5152|± |N/A |
| | |none | 0|rougeL_max |46.1538|± |N/A |
| | |none | 0|rougeL_acc | 1.0000|± |N/A |
| | |none | 0|rougeL_diff| 3.2967|± |N/A |
| - truthfulqa_gen| 3|none | 0|bleu_max | 8.9138|± |N/A |
| | |none | 0|bleu_acc | 0.0000|± |N/A |
| | |none | 0|bleu_diff | 0.0000|± |N/A |
| | |none | 0|rouge1_max |46.1538|± |N/A |
| | |none | 0|rouge1_acc | 1.0000|± |N/A |
| | |none | 0|rouge1_diff| 3.2967|± |N/A |
| | |none | 0|rouge2_max |18.1818|± |N/A |
| | |none | 0|rouge2_acc | 1.0000|± |N/A |
| | |none | 0|rouge2_diff| 1.5152|± |N/A |
| | |none | 0|rougeL_max |46.1538|± |N/A |
| | |none | 0|rougeL_acc | 1.0000|± |N/A |
| | |none | 0|rougeL_diff| 3.2967|± |N/A |
| - truthfulqa_mc1| 2|none | 0|acc | 1.0000|± |N/A |
| - truthfulqa_mc2| 2|none | 0|acc | 0.7752|± |N/A |
| Groups |Version|Filter|n-shot| Metric | Value | |Stderr|
|truthfulqa|N/A |none | 0|acc | 0.9251|± |N/A |
| | |none | 0|bleu_max | 8.9138|± |N/A |
| | |none | 0|bleu_acc | 0.0000|± |N/A |
| | |none | 0|bleu_diff | 0.0000|± |N/A |
| | |none | 0|rouge1_max |46.1538|± |N/A |
| | |none | 0|rouge1_acc | 1.0000|± |N/A |
| | |none | 0|rouge1_diff| 3.2967|± |N/A |
| | |none | 0|rouge2_max |18.1818|± |N/A |
| | |none | 0|rouge2_acc | 1.0000|± |N/A |
| | |none | 0|rouge2_diff| 1.5152|± |N/A |
| | |none | 0|rougeL_max |46.1538|± |N/A |
| | |none | 0|rougeL_acc | 1.0000|± |N/A |
| | |none | 0|rougeL_diff| 3.2967|± |N/A |
contains a lot, the other files contain the exact document IDs, the used prompts, etc. — perfect, it works!Go
I’ll try to avoid having installed the 5gb dependencies of lm-eval in the project
They will be installed in the Docker image
The project will contain only the yamls for my tasks
in the runner
Had a dataset on HF, used it:
task: pravda
dataset_path: shamotskyi/ukr_pravda_2y
dataset_name: null
# output_type: multiple_choice
training_split: null
validation_split: null
test_split: train
doc_to_text: "Predict a title for the following news: {{eng_text}}"
doc_to_target: "{{eng_title}}"
# doc_to_choice: "{{choices.text}}"
# should_decontaminate: true
# doc_to_decontamination_query: question_stem
- metric: bleu
aggregation: mean
higher_is_better: true
version: 1.0
Changed metric to bleu, and used my rows.
Problem: some of the rows are null for the English text.
datasets.exceptions.DatasetGenerationCastError: An error occurred while generating the dataset
All the data files must have the same columns, but at some point there are 6 new columns (id, lang, kind, uri, date, domain) and 20 missing columns (rus_title, eng_text, tags, ukr_tags_full, rus_uri, rus_tags, ukr_text, date_published, eng_tags, rus_text, eng_title, ukr_author_name, ukr_uri, eng_uri, eng_tags_full, ukr_title, rus_author_name, eng_author_name, rus_tags_full, ukr_tags).
OK then :( all have to be equal
Local dataset or model path support · Issue #1224 · EleutherAI/lm-evaluation-harness showed how to use a local HF dataset (not json as shown in the tutorial):
task: lmentry
dataset_path: arrow
train: /resources/ds/dataset/hf_WordsAlphabetOrder/data-00000-of-00001.arrow
# dataset_name: null
# output_type: multiple_choice
training_split: null
validation_split: null
test_split: train
doc_to_text: "{{question}}"
doc_to_target: "{{correctAnswer}}"
- metric: bleu
# aggregation: mean
# higher_is_better: true
version: 1.0
THIS GAVE ME THE FIRST NON-1.0 SCORE! I just had to use more test instances
root@lm-eval-sh:/lm-evaluation-harness# python3 -m lm_eval --model hf --model_args pretrained=TinyLlama/TinyLlama-1.1B-Chat-v1.0 --limit 520 --write_out --log_samples --output_path /tmp/Output --tasks lmentry --include_path /resources --verbosity DEBUG --show_config
hf (pretrained=mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2), gen_kwargs: (None), limit: 20000.0, num_fewshot: None, batch_size: 1
| Tasks |Version|Filter|n-shot|Metric|Value| |Stderr|
|lmentry| 1|none | 0|acc |0.485|± |0.0354|
hf (pretrained=mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2), gen_kwargs: (None), limit: 20000.0, num_fewshot: 2, batch_size: 1
| Tasks |Version|Filter|n-shot|Metric|Value| |Stderr|
|lmentry| 1|none | 2|acc |0.685|± |0.0329|
hf (pretrained=mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2), gen_kwargs: (None), limit: 20000.0, num_fewshot: 10, batch_size: 1
| Tasks |Version|Filter|n-shot|Metric|Value| |Stderr|
|lmentry| 1|none | 10|acc | 0.78|± |0.0294|
OK! Increasing num_fewshot on that exact same test set predictably increases scores. OK, it all starts to make sense <3
So, fazit:
Either way goal was to run an eval that at least runs, mission accomplished.
non-English multichoice example:
I now understand why non-mc tasks failed with acc
task: lmentry_low
dataset_path: arrow
train: /datasets/hf_LOWTask/data-00000-of-00001.arrow
# dataset_name: null
#output_type: multiple_choice
training_split: null
validation_split: null
test_split: train
doc_to_text: "{{question}}"
doc_to_target: "{{correctAnswer}}"
#doc_to_choice: "{{[additionalMetadata_option_0, additionalMetadata_option_1]}}"
# doc_to_choice: "{{['yes', 'no']}}"
# should_decontaminate: true
# doc_to_decontamination_query: question_stem
- metric: exact_match
aggregation: mean
higher_is_better: true
ignore_case: true
ignore_punctuation: true
version: 1.0
python3 -m lm_eval \
--model hf \
--model_args pretrained=mistralai/Mistral-7B-v0.1 \
--limit 100 \
--write_out \
--log_samples \
--output_path /MOutput \
--tasks low \
--device cuda \
--verbosity DEBUG \
--include_path /resources \
--show_config \
--num_fewshot 2
- metric: exact_match
aggregation: mean
higher_is_better: true
ignore_case: true
ignore_punctuation: true
I can do doc_to_text: "{{system_prompts[0]}}. {{question}}"
"arguments": [
"Ви розв'язуєте екзамен з української мови. Вкажіть правильну відповідь одним словом, без лапок. Наприклад: \\n Питання: В слові \"герметизація\" яка літера третя?\\n Відповідь: р. Яка літера в слові \"собака\" перша?",
"until": [
"do_sample": false
"resps": [
"\\n Відповідь: с. Яка літера в слові \"політика\" четверта?\\n Відповідь: т. Яка літера в слові \"політика\" п'ята?\\n Відповідь: к. Яка літера в слові \"політика\" шоста?\\n Відповідь: і. Яка літера в слові \"політика\" сьома?\\n Відповідь: т. Яка літера в слові \"політика\" восьма?\\n Відповідь: к. Яка літера в слові \"політика\" дев'ята?\\n Відповідь: а. Яка літера в слові \"політика\" десята?\\n Відповідь: л. Яка літера в слові \"політика\" одинадцята?\\n Відповідь: і. Яка літера в слові \"політика\" дванадцята?\\n Відпов"
is important it seems, haha. And editing my own examples is important as well if I manually inject system prompts instead of n_shot:
"target": "с",
"arguments": [
"Ви розв'язуєте екзамен з української мови. Вкажіть правильну відповідь одним словом, без лапок. Наприклад: \\n Питання: В слові \"герметизація\" яка літера третя?\\n Відповідь: р. В слові \"собака\" на першому місці знаходиться літера ...",
"until": [
"do_sample": false
Mistral Instruct is better than vanilla for low taks
lm-evaluation-harness/docs/ at main · EleutherAI/lm-evaluation-harness has info about the FULL configuration!
output_type: generate_until
target_delimiter: ""
- "\n\n"
- "\n"
do_sample: false
temperature: 0.0
target_delimiter: " "
- metric: exact_match
aggregation: mean
higher_is_better: true
ignore_case: true
ignore_punctuation: true
- name: "get-answer"
- function: "regex"
regex_pattern: "The answer is (\\-?[0-9\\.\\,]+)"
- function: "take_first"
- name: remove_whitespace
- function: remove_whitespace
- function: take_first
(from mgsm/en_cot/cot_yaml)
ag generation -A 8
helps find examples
I can’t find any good documentation on many of the params used.
For the base gsm8k task, we match the format used by the original GSM8k publication, where the format is Q: <question> \nA: <reasoning chain> #### <numeric answer> and are strict about only extracting an answer from the format #### <numeric answer>. Because models don’t know to output this format, they do not perform well 0-shot on it, but can do so few-shot.
So many things to learn from issues instead of documentation: always get acc,acc_norm, perplexity =1 on triviaqa task based on llama2 model · Issue 1239 · EleutherAI/lm-evaluation-harness
TODO why do different tasks use different parameters for things like when to stop generating?
lm-evaluation-harness/lm_eval/tasks/gsm8k/gsm8k-cot.yaml at 25a15379676c8a2fa0b93ca9c4742b156e1fec39 · EleutherAI/lm-evaluation-harness cool example of evaluating a chain of thought prompt where “A: $expanation. The answer is XXX.” is part of the conditioning, then the answer is gotten via regex ( regex_pattern: "The answer is (\\-?[0-9\\.\\,]+)."
I should change generate_until to include whatever QA words I use as example.
This worldlengthcomparison task gets a whopping 0.62 w/ mistral7b-notistruct using the same formulation as the others:
task: wlc_nomulti
group: lmentry
dataset_path: arrow
train: /datasets/hf_WordLengthComparison/train/data-00000-of-00001.arrow
test: /datasets/hf_WordLengthComparison/test/data-00000-of-00001.arrow
# dataset_name: null
#output_type: generate_until
#num_fewshot: 3
- "\n\n"
- "\n"
- "."
# max_length: 40
training_split: null
validation_split: null
test_split: train
fewshot_split: test
doc_to_text: "{{question}}"
doc_to_target: "{{correctAnswer}}"
#doc_to_choice: "{{[additionalMetadata_option_0, additionalMetadata_option_1]}}"
# doc_to_choice: "{{['yes', 'no']}}"
# should_decontaminate: true
# doc_to_decontamination_query: question_stem
- metric: exact_match
aggregation: mean
higher_is_better: true
ignore_case: true
ignore_punctuation: true
version: 1.0
I get really close results for both wlc tasks!
HA! Lmentry explicitly lists base patterns: lmentry/lmentry/scorers/ at main · aviaefrat/lmentry
starts = "(starts|begins)"
base_patterns = [
rf"The first letter is {answer}",
rf"The first letter {of} {word} is {answer}",
rf"{answer} is the first letter {of} {word}",
rf"{word} {starts} with {answer}",
rf"The letter that {word} {starts} with is {answer}",
rf"{answer} is the starting letter {of} {word}",
rf"{word}: {answer}",
rf"First letter: {answer}",
export ZENO_API_KEY=zen_xxxx
root@lm-eval-sh:/lm-evaluation-harness# pip install zeno-client==0.1.9
root@lm-eval-sh:/lm-evaluation-harness# PYTHONPATH=. python3 scripts/ --data_path=/Output --project_name "test"
again, this would need to be filtered out. From prompts definitely, they need spaces. But also generate_until.
"arguments": [
"В слові \"їжа\" під номером один знаходиться літера ... ї\n\nВ слові \"синхрофазотрон\" під номером дев'ять знаходиться літера ...з\n\nЯка літера в слові \"ліжко\" перша? л\n\nЯка літера в слові \"їжа\" остання?",
"until": [
"do_sample": false
"resps": [
"... я"
"filtered_resps": [
"... я"
"bleu": [
"... я"
robinhad/kruk: Ukrainian instruction-tuned language models and datasets oh damn
lm-evaluation-harness/lm_eval/tasks/bbh/cot_zeroshot/_cot_zeroshot_template_yaml at e0eda4d3ffa10e5f65e0976161cd134bec61983a · EleutherAI/lm-evaluation-harness is a neat example of filter:
- name: "get-answer"
- function: "regex"
regex_pattern: "((?<=The answer is )(.*)(?=.)|(?<=the answer is )(.*)(?=.)|(?<=The answer: )(.*)(?=.)|(?<=The final answer: )(.*)(?=.))"
- function: "take_first"